~ Cha(n)pter Twenty Six ~

Start from the beginning

"Walk me to class?" Chan asked, tilting his head cutely as he held onto the straps of his backpack, rocking back and forth on his feet.

"Of course, flower." Woojin said, offering his hand to the younger. 

Chan took it with a giggle, swinging his and Woojin's hands as they walked.

"Where's your classroom?" Woojin asked, looking both ways before crossing the street. 

"In the south wing on the third floor." Chan answered.

"That's on the opposite side of the music wing." Woojin said with a groan.

"That means we'll have more time to talk." Chan said, smiling at the older. 

"Poor me." Woojin said. 

"Excuse you, I'm a delight." Chan said with a scoff.

"I know, baby." Woojin said.

"You can't just do that." Chan spluttered.

"Do what?" Woojin asked, feigning innocence. 

"Call me baby." Chan answered.

"Yes, I can. Whose gonna stop me?" Woojin said smugly.

"No one, I guess but it's not fair." Chan said with a huff.

"How so, baby?" Woojin teased.

"Because I can't call you any pet names since you aren't fazed by anything." Chan said with a pout.

"Really? Try to make my heart flutter." Woojin said.

"Right now?" Chan asked incredulously.

"Right now." Woojin responded.

"Okay... Here I go." 

"Are you from Tennessee? Cause you're the only ten I see." Chan said boisterously in English with an exaggerated wink.

"Put me out of my Missouri." Woojin responded with a groan, covering his blushing face with his free hand nonetheless.

"How do you know English?" Chan asked, confusion written all over his face.

"Felix and Jisung were having a no homo flirt battle in English during study hall and Felix went to bother Seungmin with that same exact pick up line and that was his response. I had no clue what was happening so Jisung explained what was was going on." Woojin explained.

"You know what they say, Aussie brothers think alike." Chan said with a smile.

"No one says that Chan. Also, I think you two just share one brain cell." Woojin answered.

"You don't appreciate my pick up lines?" Chan said with a pout.

"Not in the slightest." Woojin said with a shake of his head, making his hair fall out of place.

"Why not?" Chan teased, reaching up with his free hand to fix Woojin's hair. "Does it...perhaps...bother you?"

"Yes and no... I hate the pick up lines themselves but I could never hate you." Woojin answered.

"You're so cheesy!" Chan exclaimed loudly.

"You love it though." Woojin said with a big smile.

"I really do." Chan said, sparing a glance at Woojin. Once he caught sight of Woojin's bright smile, he laughed deviously.

"Hey, Woojin." Chan said with a growing smile.

Woojin hummed in response, waiting for Chan to continue.

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