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<<<Chapter Four.>>>

"Mama why I'm I tied?" An hoarse voice asked.

Mama was stunned, she looked up to see who said that and behold it was her son.

"Did you just call me mama?" She asked to be sure.

He was confused "yes or ain't you my mother?" He asked.

He was sweating profusely and was having a serious headache, he couldn't remember anything but he kept on wondering how he ended up tied to a pole.

"Dami?" Mama said more like asked.

"Yes, mama" Dami answered.

"Are you okay? Can you recognise me? Are you normal now?-" he cut her off.

"Mama, please one question at a time, first I'm having a severe headache, secondly of course I can recognise you and thirdly- why the third question? I've I not always being normal?"

Mama eyes widened as she studied him closely, it has been four hours since he was tied to the pole and mama couldn't sleep, she'd been sitting outside watching him until he fell asleep and woke up like the normal person that he was, this was pretty shocking to mama.

"Is anything the matter?" He asked. She shook her head in negative as she tried to piece up everything, her normal son became suddenly mad and after four hours he became suddenly normal again. She was perplexed by the whole scenario plus she was a bit scared to go close to him but she gathered courage and untied him.

He breathed once he was free "what happened?" He inquired.

"Nothing my son, let's go inside" she told him and he doubtfully followed her inside the house.

"Why was I tied?" He asked again once they were inside their living room.

Mama took her seat whilst shaking her head in disbelief as tears streamed down from her eyes. So her son was truly normal again?

"Mama" he knelt down in front of her and shook her shoulders lightly, worry written all over his face. "Please talk to me, your silence is killing me with worry, I need to know what happened to me that I slept on my bed but woke up tied to a pole outside the house"

"Dami, I don't understand what happened to you, I was sleeping when I heard you screaming-" she was cut off.

"I screamed?" He asked, winkling his brow followed by mama nodding her head in response and sniffling her tears.
She narrated everything to him and his eyes widened in shock.

"Its strange..i can't remember anything you just said" he tried to think.

"You can't?" Mama asked


Really strange - mama thought.

"The only thing I can remember is when you called me and asked me to fetch water for Aunty Ennio which I did and later came home to sleep" he said. "I can't believe I was mad for about Four hours..it feels like a dream"

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