Part 51

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Hey guys, so I know it's been a while since I have updated anything but 2019 hasn't been off to a great start, I lost a very close person to me on the 17th of this month. I'm not sure if I will come back this month or next month or when because I've been helping his wife and his three kids by being someone they can talk to. I am not going to go into detail about his death, I do ask that you guys give me some time to heal and respect that I may not post for several more weeks I have not posted on my YouTube channel since before he passed either.  So once again please respect my privacy along with his family's, I will be back to writing this year I'm not sure when because I am working now so bare with me at this time. I will say I am safe and I'm not in any danger to myself or others. So I will let you all know when I decide to come back to writing I'm gonna try to write some new books so let me know what you all would like to see in the comments so I can figure things out while I am on hiatus I know I've been on one since 2018 but I was burnt out on writing so give me some ideas that you would like to see for when I come back, you will receive credit for the idea.

Thank you guys,
Love ya

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