Part 48

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So this will have several days in it tonight tomorrow saturday sunday and probably monday so in total probably about four days. The reason for this is because today was just a really bad day seeing as I woke up past the time of my doctors appointment that was at 10:15 this morning so now on Monday I have to call and see if they can get me in. So this will have the next three to four days. Todays date was June 7th,2018.

Today-June 8th,2018

Well I was getting yelled at to get up at six thirty this morning when I didn't have to be at work till twelve so I typically get up at nine, nine-thirty, or ten in the morning. My boyfriend's dad doesn't get that concept that I don't have to be up at six-thirty in the morning to shower get dressed and have breakfast when I have to be at work at twelve. 

Today-June 9th,2018

Not to much happened I just went to work and came home so there wasn't to much that went on

Today-June 10th,2018

Basically the same as yesterday I just went to work only today I am now in pain after work I don't know why but I am. 

These are all the days I'm going to do I'll write another update here soon I'll probably start on it tonight and maybe finish it tomorrow I'm not sure yet I may finish it tonight. 

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