"Motorcycles –"

"Motorcycles!? Bella are you insane? God, I sound like Jessica right now. I'm definitely not getting on those things... and you already know that, don't you?" The ginger frowned as her friend shrugged with a knowing quirk of her lips. Suddenly, a familiar large figure was jogging up to the truck, his inky long hair being the main characteristic to identify him.

"Bella! Iris!"

Bella instantly jumps out of the truck, going to the bed to uncover the tarp. Iris had to calm her anxious breaths before she got out, social interaction becoming harder and harder for her as time went on. She didn't know what it was, but she felt vulnerable, like an intimate piece of herself was missing. She didn't feel as confident as she used to, and she hated that she was going back into that destructive mindset. 

After her sudden shudders ceased, she unstrapped an already asleep Penelope out of her seat. Her curly strawberry colored head, slumped against her mother's chest as Iris eased out of the truck.  Her forest green eyes briefly met Jacob's as he grinned down at her. She couldn't keep eye contact long with anybody, it made her uncomfortable now. 

"It's 'bout time you came by," He clapped his large hands together once, a twinkle in his soulful eyes. 

"I brought you something..." Bella showed the Quileute her brutish beasts, a sheepish expression on her face. 

"Scrap metal, you shouldn't have." Iris scoffed at his comment, completely agreeing with his observation. The ginger was going no where near those hogs. Maybe if she was the same person as she was a year ago, sure, she'd do anything to get a rush. However, she wasn't like that anymore, she had Pea to think about.

"I rescued them from the dump. They'd cost more that they're worth to fix... Unless one had a mechanic-type friend."

Jacob eyed Iris beside him, watching her reaction to all this. The ginger just shrugged, not knowing where any of this thrill-seeking adventure had come from. "Since when are you into motorcycles?"

"Recently," She shrugged.

"Are you gonna' take a spin Iris?" She immediately shook her head, arching an incredulous eyebrow.

"You're joking right?"

Jacob laughed, "I'll take that as a no." Iris was sure that Jacob would disagree to Bella's idea if he hadn't had a massive crush on her. She didn't know if the brunette was doing this to make her feel better, or if Bella was doing this out of her own experimentation. Concerned, the redhead pulled her friend aside, searching her doe brown eyes for clarification. 

"Bells, what's the real reason you're doing this? D-did you and Colton get into a fight or something?" She whispered it to give her friend some privacy, adjusting her baby in her arms. 

Bella adverted her eyes, furrowing her eyebrows. "He's getting all over protective at the moment, and I feel the need to assert my freedom," She shrugged it off.

What Colton was really doing was projecting his grudge against the Cullen's onto his relationship. He was more worried about her safety than ever after Edward left Iris and Pea on their own. He didn't know how he got that way, but he always had trouble keeping his emotional turmoil to himself.

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