Part 5

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Oh crap! Time to wake up. My lazy arm stretched out, feeling my alarm clock for any bumps to press to deactivate the noise. After what seemed like minutes of searching, I finally found what I’ve been searching for. Thank god.

I tried my hardest to get up and I took my phone and stared at it. For a second I didn’t know what I wanted to do with it. But well, my brain eventually woke up and I checked the time flashed on my bubbled phone screen.

“7.00 a.m.”

I tried to coax myself into opening my eyes, but in no way did it agree with my brain, and no matter how much force I exerted, it just wouldn’t seem to budge. It seemed like a long time ago since my eyelids felt this heavy. Or rather, it was a long time ago since I cried myself to sleep.

It had only been a day and it felt like I’ve been through ten years of hell. Yesterday… Well, it was such an eventful day. I couldn't even believe that all those things happened. I used my leg to rub on swiped it all over the bed and this confirmed my doubts. Patchy was not there sleeping in between my legs. No part of her was present, well except her leftover hair, which dropped a lot when she was still around. This made my nose pierce in sourness, but I held back my tears.

What seemed more surprising though, was my encounter with that guy yesterday. It all seemed too surreal. One minute I’m on the verge of dying, the next minute I’m saved by some guy who seems to know me so well, even better than how I thought I knew myself. If there was one word to describe yesterday’s turn of events, it would be tragic. Maybe random as well, okay that makes it two.

Without further ado, I begin my usual morning routines. Every thing felt empty. Every thing I did reminded me of Patchy. It’s driving me insane, but I kept my feelings controlled, the mysterious guy’s words ringing repeatedly in my mind, controlling my entire body, giving me hope to carry on.

“Hello mom,” I tried to sound as enthusiastic as possible, as I dragged my school bag down the steps.

“ Hello dear, would you like some ham and eggs toast for breakfast?” She smiled so much that her eye formed a crescent moon like shape, under the watchful eyes of my dad.

“I wonder what’s the good news about.” I mumbled, only one day after Patchy died which apparently it was her fault yet she still so ignorant about it.

“Your brother got an invitation to join uncle Ben’s party. It really is worth celebrating something as vital as that.” She immediately answered me, not noticing my remark was meant to be sarcasm.

“Uncle Ben’s party?” I shot her a confused look.

My mom flipped the half fried egg swiftly and turned her head towards me.

“Uncle Ben is your father’s friend ,he’s a millionaire, with a huge family. One thing about him is that he looks after talents, and your brother might be one, that’s why it’s such a big thing that Brandon is invited over to his party.”

It sounded complex. Well I didn’t pay much attention to the details but Brandon being a talent? My brain immediately rejected that information and I refused to take it in as well.

“Well mom why do you explain so much to her? She’ll never be able to achieve half as much as me.” Brandon apparently overheard while watching the television and he childishly interrupted our conversation, as usual.

I still couldn’t believe it. Patchy died just yesterday and everyone’s behaving perfectly normal. Depression started to flow in my thoughts again. Well, not that I should be expecting something from them.

“Well Kacie, time to go.” Brandon stood up and left his dirty utensils on the coffee table for my mom to clear, and dashed out the door to his car.

“Bye mom and dad.” I forced a smile which made my cheekbones hurt.

“Bye dear, take care” my mom gave me that gracious look again. Which I didn’t feel any warmth at all. 

When we finally reached school, Jessica rushed towards me again. I didn't want to tell anything about yesterday’s incident to her, so I acted all normal. She was blabbering on and on about nonsense, when something caught my eye.

Something golden.

Something beautiful.

I stared straight at it. My mind stopped taking in everything around me for that split second. He was beautiful.

He was wearing long black skinny jeans that showed his long legs, his body build was just nice in that fashionable long-sleeve. Not too muscular, not too skinny. His converse trendy shoes were shouting for attention. And his cropped golden hair, fell down to his face while he intently read his book. His shoulder leaned on the locker as it supported the rest of his body. Everything about him was perfect. I had to admit, especially those eyes.

He wasn’t even trying to get attention but just like a magnet, he sucked it all. Girls were whispering and gossiping in front of him. Excited fingers pointed at him. I wondered if he knew.

“What are you looking at?”

I had a snap back into reality. I immediately turned around to face Jessica but it seemed she already knew what I had been eyeing five minutes ago.

“I get it… you can’t hide it from me! You were looking at Jason a while ago weren’t you?” She screamed in excitement.

“Jason?” I blinked my eyes. So that’s his name huh?

“Yeah, the absolute hottie Jason! But he has a girlfriend you know…” Her eyes immediately bore sorrow.

Well mine too… He had a girlfriend. A sharp stab to my heart, part of me wishing it wasn’t true. But just at that moment, everything confirmed my doubts.

A tall girl with long slender legs and a nice tan walked blissfully as everyone’s paid attention to her. Her skirt was short and her hair was beautiful Auburn colored with stylish wavy curls. She walked straight towards him and pulled him close. They kissed. They looked like they were meant for each other. Nobody hated them together. To be honest, they were really compatible..

I didn’t know what was happening to me. Why did I feel so upset? I shook my head, disbelieving my horrible thoughts. It couldn't be that I liked him right? I just feel weird because I saw him yesterday… I hope…

 Sorry for such a short story! i've been so busy these few days! Well anyways, i promise i'll upload in one or two more days time so be patient! :) hope you enjoyed this chapter! :)

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