Part 3

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Sorry for the long wait people! 

I finally got down to work and wrote this down. Comment and vote if you like this chapter!

Chapter 3:

When we finally reached school, I took my books and ran out of the car. I knew what was going to happen if I didn’t. Everyone from school crowded around Eliza and Brandon, some even going too far as to asking for their signatures. I don’t get them. There’s really NOTHING special about those two, well except for how well they matched each other. I’m not kidding. Both are the two must dumb people I’ve ever met in my life.

I could see my brother putting on his sunglasses and getting off his Lexus car in style, a big grin covered his face. It’s like those advertisements where the guy’s teeth are shining. He looks like he’s advertising for those toothpastes; well I guess that’s his definition of cool.

Eliza on the other hand looked like a hooker. She brushed her blonde silky hair to the back and swung her head like she was doing some hair commercial. I told you they matched, they always do the same nonsensical things together. Then she walked really lady – like as her heels made those annoying clucking sounds. She bounced lightly as she walked, and when she finally stood next to my brother she pulled him close and kissed him in front of the crowd. That made those people start screaming and whistling, some even said “Aww. So sweet!”

It was the most revolting thing ever. I couldn’t even imagine using the word “sweet” to describe this horrendous sight. How could people be so blind? In what way is showing off how you put the most unhygienic parts of your body together, causing the germs to transmit to the other party considered sweet?

I immediately shook my head, trying to shake away the dirty image I have just seen. Please erase from my memory. Please god help me.

Then, the worse thing ever happened.

“Kacie come here!” My brother waved his hand at me from the distance, still smiling.

No. This cannot be happening. I don’t want to be seen with those two dumbest people from my school. (At least that’s what I thought, apparently people called me dumb more often than they called my brother and Eliza.)

I kept my head down low and stumbled towards them. This better be important.

“Hey Kacie, I’d like you to meet Jonathan! Didn’t you say you wanted a boyfriend?” My brother announced, while pointing to a guy beside him.

I shifted my vision to Jonathan. He looked and behaved exactly like my brother. I don’t know what to say, besides describing him. All the negative adjectives started to form in my mind. Loud, arrogant, ignorant, stupid, foolish was all I could think of.

Jonathan waved at me while giving me an arrogant look.

“Hey,” he said in a deep, proud voice.

“Jon dude, it’s hard to say this but be nice to her, she’s my sister after all.” 

I really felt like punching my brother in the face. In the watchful eyes of all these people. He just made me the ‘desperate’ girl who leeched off her brother’s fame to get her a popular boyfriend.

“Thanks brother, but I don’t think I’m interested in him.” I said without thinking.

Oh what did I just say, now people are just going to call me the ungrateful girl.

“I mean, I’m sorry Jonathan, I’m not good enough for you.” I hurriedly backed up my previous statement.

Everybody was watching me like a hog. Some were saying, “That’s true…” and some were saying “Serves her right.”

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