


After 10 minutes of teaching her what each button on the controller does and techniques of the game, it didn't take her long to become quite a pro at the game. We were still on the practice one where there were fake characters used specially for the practice game and Davina was killing all of them. Her eyes didn't move from the screen "I see you're liking the game" I say as she blows someone up on the game "it's fun" she replies as her character stabs a person "do you think you'll be ready to play a live game?" I ask "bring it on" she replies giving me a quick glance as I exit the practice game and load on a live game. "We have to wait a few minutes while the Xbox pairs us up in a team. It's completely random" I say "okay can you communicate with the teammates?"  she asks "yes you can, you communicate through a mic which I don't have right now or you can communicate via messages on the game" I explain as the game finishes pairing up teams. "Okay so the six names you see under ours, they are part of our team so don't shoot or stab them. You shot and stab the others but to make it easier our team is blue and the other team is red that will help you know who is who" I explain "okay shoot and stab people of the red team not the blue team, got it" she replies as the game loads up and starts the 3 second countdown. Davina scoots closer to me as the game starts and we quickly hide our characters on the game as the red team spreads out "come on, come on" Davina mutters making me chuckle causing her to elbow me in the side making me grunt as she's surprisingly strong for a girl of her height then again she's not from this planet so maybe that's why. Davina's character springs out from her hiding spot as two members of the red team appear and she quickly shoots them both before sprinting off "hey wait for me" I say pressing the knobbly bit of my controller and making my character run after hers "stay back, I'm about to blow this son of a bitch" she says as she throws a grenade at another red team player "damn" I mutter turning my character around and shooting a red team player that was creeping up behind me.



"Die you motherfucker!" Davina yells at the screen as a red team player tries to stab her but she shoots them in the head while I just sit and watch since my character got shot. I just watch her amused at how she reacts to the game when suddenly my bedroom door slams open and Klaus bursts in "what the hell is she doing here? Why is she in my house?!" he yells pointing at Davina who doesn't even flinch at his entrance or his booming voice. "Hold on" she says holding a hand out to him as she keeps her eyes on the game making me chuckle. Davina kills the last red team member and the game finishes and she tosses the controller next to her and turns to Klaus. "Now what is it you want?" she asks Klaus glares at her "why are you in my house?" he asks "Kol invited me over, he wanted to play video games with me" she replies "well he shouldn't have done that as this isn't his house so leave before I throw you out" he snarls Davina scoffs and stands up. "What the hell is your problem?! Have I done something to offend you or is it because Groot startled you the other day when you were incredibly rude towards him and Rocket" she says "nothing I just want you to leave as you're nothing but trouble" he retorts "I've done nothing to try and cause trouble. Just because I'm not from this stupid realm just because I am different, just because I am stronger than you, you think you can treat me like garbage well I'll tell you something. You can't treat me like this I am a Princess and if you dear disrespect me any further then you will feel my wrath and trust me I don't want to be a problem nor do I want to hurt anyone but if you continue to push me Klaus Mikaelson then you will feel my wrath!" Davina snaps the room suddenly turns ice cold and Davina's skin starts turning blue "Davina you're turning blue again" I say standing up and reaching to touch her but when I touch her I jolt my hand away as her skin is freezing cold. "What is happening to me?" she asks sounding terrified and Klaus takes that moment of weakness to his advantage and goes to punch his hand through her chest clearly intending to rip out her heart but the moment his hand touches her skin he's thrown back by a blast of magic. Davina cries out in pain and disappears in front of me before I could even try to help her "where'd she go?" Klaus asks looking bewildered "I don't know" I reply worried for Davina. "I told you she was a threat" he says making me glare at him "that wouldn't have happened if it weren't for you! You started threatening and screaming at her! She never did anything wrong Nik, she's done nothing but help us since we found her! She came here to hang out with me because I wanted to spend time with her because I like her company and you just had to ruin it! You upset her and now she's disappeared!" I yell clenching my fists "what has she done to me?"  he asks completely ignoring what I said as he looks at his hand which is turning black "I don't know, you were the one who tried to kill her when she was in distress so it's your own fault. I'm going out to find her and if you ever dare upset Davina like that again or try to lay a single hand on her or try to kill her then it won't just be her wrath you'll feel you'll feel my wrath aswell!" I snap before vamp speeding away beyond pissed off that he ruined everything, me and Davina were having a good time just playing Xbox and he just had to show up and open his god damn mouth and upset Davina and now she could be anywhere, I don't know where she disappeared too or if she's even okay because from what I witnessed she wasn't okay, she sounded scared and confused as to what was happening to her. I admit I've never seen anything like that skin turning blue, temperature of the room turning ice cold and her skin ice cold to the touch, I've never heard or anything like it but I want to know, I want to help her. I'm kind of stunned by how defensive and worried I got for Davina when Klaus spoke to her the way he did and what he tried to do and by what was happening to her. I've never gotten defensive or worried over a girl, usually I wouldn't dare defend a girl from my brother in fear he would dagger me but I just didn't care what would happen, I just didn't like the way he treated Davina and it pained me to see her in such distress. My brother is a huge ass, he never knows when to keep his mouth shut and I tell you it's his ego, his need to control everything and he clearly doesn't like the fact there's someone stronger and more powerful than him but he needs the reality check, he's not so strong and powerful like he thought and not everything will go his way and there's no way he can control everyone, he can't control Davina who's done nothing to threaten this family, she's become a friend to Hayley and my sister, she knew the gender of his and Hayley's unborn child right away, she gave us a plan on how to protect Hayley from the witches who want to terminate her pregnancy, she's been ever so helpful when we really don't deserve it.

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