Chapter 40 - Counter-Attack

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The Talk.

"Uh..." The mother awkwardly says, her large eyes flitting over to the husband that sets their plates down in their places. "Honey? Why don't you explain?" She asks, and the father looks at her and then sees the mother glancing over at their daughter over and over again as a sign for him to catch on. He realises and then he gets just as awkward as she has become over this talk.

"Well...when a girl and a boy love each other very much..." He begins and the daughter looks at him, so innocent and confused. But before he can continue with his explanation of how making a baby works, there is a knock on the door.




The father almost seems relieved that he can actually take a break from that story, even though he only just began. "Ah! That must be Dr Azula, he came here for your injections, remember? Maybe he can tell you?" The father says, and the mother giggles lovingly at her husband's statement. He walks towards the door and he reaches out to grab the handle. "It's funny; we were just talking about you." He says when he opens the door.

Suddenly a cold steel blade sinks into his heart and he gasps with shock and pain, feeling his blood oozing from the wound. His eyes are wide and he looks down as the blade emerges from his stomach, blood pouring out from his stab wound. He groans with pain as the man with cold grey eyes pushes him backwards, and he falls onto his back with force.

Blood spilling out onto the wooden floor.

The man holds the dagger out with the blood still coating the steel silver blade and he steps inside, two other men with him as they block out the setting sun behind them. One of them wears a black beanie hat on his head, the other has messy blonde hair and the other has brown spiked hair. The murderer has a short beard and cracked teeth, wrinkles that cover his face. The youngest, blonde man has a twitching eye as he holds a hatchet in his hand. The other man stands behind them, seeming to not get that involved in the matter.

The mother and daughter gasp when they see the men stood there, the blood drips from the blade that is pointed at them. The mother's eyes become glassy with horror as she sees her betrothed on the ground, dead. "Sorry, I hope we're not interrupting." The murderer states with an insidious smile on his face. His voice is gritty and horrific as he stands there. The mother eyes her knife on the table that he was going to use to carve the turkey that he caught, slowly moving towards it as the men stand there. The blonde man lifts his hatchet above his head, as a threat to the two.

"Let's not lose our heads over something rash, now shall we? Would be a shame to ruin your pretty faces." The blonde man states with a mad smile on his face. The mother grabs the knife and screeches as she rushes towards the axe-wielder, holding the axe arm where it is and she thrusts at his throat with the knife. The man grabs her wrist, much stronger than she is but still struggling to hold her back. "Damn it! She's crazy!" The man yells, trying to keep her back from stabbing his throat with that serrated blade.

"Run! Run as fast as you can!" The mother screams to her daughter as she fights the stronger man, but the girl is too frightened to move, her bones shaking erratically as she watches the horrific event.

"'re scaring me..." The daughter whimpers with fear, looking at her mother as she fights. The mother looks back at her daughter with strained eyes as she tries to kill the man as they struggle.

"You have to be scared! Run! Get out of here! Run as far as you can!" The mother screams, begging her daughter to leave, but it is like she has been frozen in this trance of shock when she looks at the corpse of her father on the ground.

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