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I wake up and see Savannah sound asleep. I smile to myself.

I sit up and look around. I check the clock and see it's almost seven o' clock.

I get up and check my phone left on the table. It's buzzing.


"Nate! You need to come home. I mean-" Tasha takes a deep breath. "How's Savannah?"

"Uh, she's okay. Sleeping. Why? What's wrong? Are you okay?" I ask, suddenly worried.

"I'm fine. But everyone else is kind of upset." She says. I hear the fear and annoyance in her voice.

"What happened?" I ask again.

"It's hard to describe on the phone. I can't ask you to come here and leave Sav alone though. She needs to see all this too. And her family." Tasha explains. "Can you tell them to come here?"

"I-I'll try. They should be here soon." I reply, still confused.

"Thanks. Take care of her." Tasha says more softly this time.

"Yes ma'am." I reply with a smile.

"Sorry for making a call and not actually saying much. Love you big brother. See you soon."

Before I can reply she ends the call.

What happened?

Just in time, the door opens and Keira runs in first.

She checks Savannah's pulse then lets out a relieved sigh.

I stand to greet them. "I could've told you she's alright."

Keira laughs embarrassed. "Right. Sorry. I was just so worried."

"It's okay." I say, looking at the sleeping Savannah. I look back to them and where they now sit on the couch. "But there's something you should know."

Skylar looks at me and raises an eyebrow. Their parents look at Savannah probably thinking it has something to do with her.

"Tasha called and said something happened. Everybody's upset. Your family should go back and see what happened. She wouldn't tell me over the phone." I explain.

They all exchange looks.

"What?" I ask, unsure about their exchange of looks.

"I got a call from an unknown number." Sierra says. "It was a warning about something happening to us. That was it though."

"So you think they're related?" I ask.

Sierra shrugs. "Maybe." She looks at her parents. "Maybe you both should go. Skylar and I can stay here with Nate."

I nod and we all look at Savannah who's starting to stir.

She blinks slowly and sits up.

"What's going on?" She asks softly.

"We're going to be going home. Skylar and Sierra will stay here with you, okay?"

She nods. "Is something wrong?"

Her parents share a look.

"We'll try to figure out. You stay here with your brother and sister and Nate." Her dad says softly.

"Okay." She says. Her parents take turns kissing her on the forehead.

"See you tomorrow, seastar."

They hug Skylar and Sierra then head out.

Sierra walks to the bed and sits beside her sister.

"How're you feeling?" She asks.

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