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It's been almost four months since I first came and I've learned so much! I started taking up Oceanography and Comparative Psychology in the back building of the university in mid October. I finished all my high school requirements by then and had an early graduation.

I went home for the first time that weekend. It felt like I hadn't been home in forever. Mom had thrown a little welcome home slash graduation party at the beach and we were all there. Even Nate.

I caught up with everyone, describing the university, the people, and the discoveries. I got excited talking to mom about Malibu Wildlife because the university had ties with the wildlife center and I would be going to the center every week for observation and lessons. So from mid October to now, I visit the Malibu Wildlife twice a week and home over the weekends. It was a pretty big change but I'm learning to live this life.

"You know, Skylar," I say, looking at my brother from across this table. "You said once long ago, that things would get exciting. Though I know you meant it for the weekend, I didn't realize how you both would actually be part of something exciting that really did happen."

He stops chewing and smiles. Sierra and I laugh.

"You look like a chipmunk!" Sierra exclaims as we laugh some more.

He gets up and starts pretending to scurry around. Sierra takes a video to show mom.

After a few minutes of laughter, we settle down and continue eating dinner.

"Where's dad?" I ask, through another spoonful of grilled chicken and mashed potato.

Sierra looks at the door. "He should be home from work soon."

The atmosphere changes and we become serious, wondering where dad is. He's never late unless he has a very important reason. He also doesn't want to waste time he could spend with his kids.

Just then the door opens and dad comes in soaking wet.

"Dad!" We exclaim.

Skylar hurries to help dad with his bags and Sierra rushes to get a towel. As usual, I just sit and watch everything.

He smiles sheepishly. "Sorry, kids. Didn't mean to be so late. It was raining real hard, an accident happened, and the traffic was bad. Also, the basement parking lot is full so I had to use the public one about two yards from the main door."

"It's okay dad. You're here." Skylar calls out as he walks to their room with dad's bags.

Dad covers himself in a towel and trudges to their room.

"I'll just shower and change then we can continue our dinner and movie night okay?" He says, looking back at Sierra and I.

We nod and Sierra sits back down. She prepares dad's food then relaxes.

"How're you feeling?" I ask her, as she breathes in deeply.

"Good. Tired." She replies with a smile that shows it.

"What've you been up to that makes you look so much more tired than usual?" I tease lightly.

She pauses for a moment. "We had more paperwork. Being an accountant is not to be taken lightly."

"Oh. Well my job is definitely going to be more fun." I say with a bright smile.

She places her hands on her hips and stands. "Who says being an accountant isn't fun?"

She takes a step towards me and tickles me lightly. Light or not, I laugh anyway.

"Okay, okay! Stop!" I say through giggles.

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