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"Okay. Well since you're not gonna fuck me like I originally wanted you to, can we do something else tonight?" Minho nearly choked on his water. And he would've done so if he was more dramatic.

"What do you have in mind?" He enquired.

"There's a carnival not too far from here. We can walk there."

"Are you talking about the carnival near Campus?"

Grace nodded, a small smile on her face. "Yes."

"Yeah. That's like a twenty minute walk."

"But it's still within walking distance."

"Yeah. If you walk super fast ... or if your legs are long."

"Okay. But your legs are long and you walk fast. So what's the problem?"

While sleeping with Grace had been an intention, his main intention was to make Caleb jealous. Or get a reaction.

The guy liked him. Minho knew this. Caleb had to like him. He can't say or do the things he's done and not like the older.

Minho wasn't saying that to be cocky. But it was the truth. You don't have sex with someone unless you're attracted to them.

So maybe bringing home a girl would make him react in some way that would prove his thoughts even more.

But so far, Caleb hasn't left his room. Or his studio.

Wherever he was within the apartment.

So plan A had to be cancelled. He didn't feel like getting his dick wet anymore.

"But I have classes tomorrow."

"Okay. And so do I. Besides..." she crossed her arms over her chest. And Minho resisted the urge to look where her arms rested.

"You owe me. You brought me here 'cause you said we were gonna fuck. That was three hours ago and not one move has been made."

Minho mentally shrugged. That wasn't a lie.

"Okay. Well, would you rather me fuck and duck?"

The female arched a brow, resisting the urge to laugh. She was trying to be angry right now. Smiling would let him know that she wasn't serious. And she was.

She could've been doing something better with her time. Like studying for her tests. Or practising her instrument or something.

Something productive. But here she was falling victim to Minho's immaturity.

"You. You know ... like kiss and diss? I fuck you and then stay away from you."

Yes, it made sense. But it was still a little funny.


"Alright then. Don't complain. You make it sound like me not having sex with you is the end of the world." And before she could reply, he stood.

"Get your shoes on. We're going to the carnival."

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