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Avoiding Caleb was actually easier than Minho thought it would've been.

Because the younger was either in his room or in his home studio, Minho never really ran into him.

It was weird, actually.

Anyways, because he was never really out and about, he had been able to avoid him for three days. And it would've been four days. But then he just had to come join him at the table while he was eating his cereal.

Minho gulped (and almost choked because some of the cereal had went down his throat too) when Caleb sat down across from him.

"Hello, Minho. How was your day?"

Minho chewed the rest of his food and swallowed it. "Uh. Good."

"Cool. Why are you eating cereal right now? It's almost dinner time."

Minho was almost tempted to get up. Because he didn't think the younger had sat down to criticise him. And he didn't want to hear that right now. But he decided to stay put and hold his ground. He opened his mouth to reply, but Caleb beat him to it.

"Whatever. That's irrelevant. I really wanna know why you've been avoiding me."

Minho scoffed half-heartedly. "Yeah right. Me avoiding you?"

"Yes. You're avoiding me. In fact, you just tried to get up when I sat down."

"The term avoiding sounds a bit too harsh. I prefer to use the phrase, 'staying out of your way.'"

"Yeah. Hilarious. Why have you been avoiding me? Are you still tight about that wet dream you had about me that one night?"

Minho felt his soul leave his body. And he wasn't sure if he looked stunned or not. But he didn't care because he had had that wet dream a while ago. And he hadn't talked about it no matter how many times he thought about doing so.

So how did Caleb know?

"What wet dream? I have a lot of wet dreams, doofus. You have to be more specific." He tried to play it off.

Of course he had wet dreams. He was a mature man. And mature/maturing men had wet dreams sometimes.

Minho had had a lot of wet dreams in his lifetime.

"The wet dream about me, fucktard. Are you hard at hearing?"

No. But I am a little hard.

Minho gulped. Aggressive Caleb was sexy Caleb. And he wanted sexy Caleb to pin him to the wall and call him names while fucking him ruthless.

"Uh ... no. I just-"

"I heard you. You talk in your sleep. Does, 'fuck me, Caleb' ring a bell?"

Of course it rang a bell. Because that had been exactly what he said in his dream.

"Uh. Not really."

Minho was a bit glad because now he forgot why he had really been avoiding the younger.

Or ... at least he thought so.

"Wet dreams are natural, dummy. It's not like you're gonna get killed for having one. This isn't The Crucible."

Oh. Yeah. Now he remembered why he had been avoiding him.

"I know..."

"Alright then. So stop avoiding me. And loosen up a bit."


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