"I need a wee" she complains, holding herself as she wriggles in her seat.

"I've only just taken you to the toilet, Hailes"


I look at Cheryl and roll my eyes at the chaos happening in our car and say "I think her teacher is in for a long morning" I don't expect her to have much to say but i did not think she would ignore me like she does so i sigh and drive as fast as i can to the school without breaking any speed limits. 

When we finally pull into the car park i decide that something needs to be said because this is ridiculous. The argument we had last night was not a huge one but Cheryl is making it bigger than it is and i am sick of worrying about it and walking on egg shells around her. Hailie has forgotten how she was apparently desperate for the toilet so i look at Cheryl after i have parked the car and i put a hand on her arm. 

"Do you think we can have a word before you go off to the studio?"

"I'm shattered, Kim. I was up all night trying to get stuff sorted for the song i'm releasing tomorrow, it will have to wait"

"Are you angry with Mummy?" Paisley asks Cheryl and Cheryl fixes a smile onto her face, forces a laugh and shakes her head.

"Of course i'm not" She lies and hands Paisley her beloved doll back. "I'm just tired, babe. Everyone's going to hear 'Mama's hand' tomorrow, how exciting is that?"

Unaware that Cheryl is changing the subject to avoid more questions Paisley punches the air with her fists. Her little face is a picture of excitement, she can hardly contain herself. "So exciting! I can't wait for Lilly to hear it, and Miss Miller!"

Cheryl rolls her eyes at the mention of Paisley's teacher and i knew that she would. For some reason she really has a bee in her bonnet when it comes to her so i am happy when she says that she will stay in the car while i take the girls to their classrooms. She uses the excuse of not wanting to get Alaina out of her carseat while she is so content just to put her back in it again but i know the real reason she does not want to get out of the car. At times she still suffers from anxiety, it is not going to disappear overnight and she clocked the many journalists and paparazzi are waiting for us across the road and her eyes were full of fear as she contemplated getting out and walking passed them to get to the school entrance but i don't bring that up, i just agree to take them myself and she does not say a word.

Telling them that it is time to go Paisley unbuckles Hailie's carseat for me and Cheryl twists in the front seat. "Right you two, give us a kiss and cuddle before you go" She tells them and they do so. She hugs them both tightly and as they say goodbye to Alaina who is probably happy to see the back of them after the noise they have made this morning i turn to look at Cheryl.

 "We need to talk Cheryl, you cant just ignore me and pretend that we don't need to discuss everything because we do. I haven't changed my mind about you going on that stupid show, if you're wondering. I understand why you want to do it but you have to see where i am coming from too?" I'm whispering to her so the kids don't hear but she ignores me again and turns her head to look out of the window of our parked car. Feeling defeated I sigh and open the car door to get out. "You're acting like a child. I can't be bothered with you when you're like this" I tell her and she shrugs one shoulder. She only turns back around when i am opening the back door to help the girls out of the car and her forced smile is back on her face.

"Have a nice day, i love you both" She tells them and they wave their smalls hands at her and she blows them kisses. "Be good!" 

Once i dropped Cheryl off at the studio i decided to pay Sarah a quick visit as she has a day off work today and Nadine has gone to Ireland for a couple of days to see her family. It seems like i have not spent any quality time with Sarah in ages but really it has not been that long.  Alaina was happy to see her favourite auntie when we first got here but now she is in the kitchen making a whole lot of noise.

CHIM - Life in the limelight SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now