Chapter 12: I'm not jealous...

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I wake up to the squawking of Stormfly begging for her morning flight. I manage to drag myself out of bed and walk up to my window. I spot the sun dial outside.

"five am?" I hear another rather loud squawk from Stormfly. "seriously?!" she then begins to squawk again. I hear some grumbles from the neighbours.

"ok, ok, I'm coming," I yawn and stretch my arms wide. I pick up my axe and slot it into my skull belt, before heading outside to Stormfly.

I hadn't slept much, only about three hours but wasn't that tired still. I couldn't stop thinking about him and the encounter with Snotlout last night. Creepy...

Stormfly squawked again breaking me out of my thoughts. She could be very impatient sometimes. I hear a few more complaints from the nearby villagers as I unlock Stormflys pen letting her out.

"go on girl," I tell her as she flies off to a nearby feeding station. I walk back inside and quickly cook some salmon for breakfast and warm up some yak milk.

I sit down at the table and gulp it all down,  filling my once empty stomach up. I sigh once, before walking outside again where Stormfly is patiently awaiting me.

"come on then girl," I say jumping onto her back and scratching her scaly side, "let's go!" and just like that we soar up and off into the pinkish clouds.

after flying around the island for a while I ask her,

"want to go again?" she gives me a squawk as I look at the sun. It's almost seven. "maybe another time girl, training!" we head on over to the training arena,  where Fishlegs is readily waiting. I hop off of Stormfly and pat her side before feeding her some chicken in her satchel.

Moments later and a giant ball of flame comes flying into the arena.

"ahrghhh!" the rider screams. "hot, hot, hot!" he jumps off of his fireball dragon, Hookfang jumping in a nearby water trough. "ahhh" he says as the water soothes his behind.

"remind me to refill that," Fishlegs says. Snotlout just glares at him.

Soon after a big two headed dragon comes soaring into view. Then a green gas fills the arenas outskirts.

"wait what was the signal again?" Tuff asked Ruff. She just shrugged.

"how about fire?"

"ahhh it will work," Tuff shrugged.

"signal!" Ruff shouted. "darn I mean fire!" Tuff responds with a spark from Belch causing a massive explosion.

"That... was... AWESOME!" Tuff shouts.

"go again?!" Ruff responds excitedly.

"NO!" we all shout back at them.

"fine!" they snap back.

"we'll do it later," Tuff grumbles. I glare at him, "her," he points at his sister, "I don't know what her deal is," he says receiving a punch from Ruff.

"hey babe," Snotlout says strolling up to me after his butt had recovered from being cooked, I just roll my eyes and groan as he continues, "so you been thinking about what I was saying last night or..." he reaches out to stroke my cheek but fails as I grab it bending it backwards and flipping him back onto the ground.

"anyone else?" they all shake their heads violently. "good," I wipe my hands together. I then trace the arena with my eyes. "where's Hiccup?" they all just shrug their shoulders, Fishlegs reading the book of dragons, Snotlout being eaten by Hookfang and Ruff and Tuff fighting as usual. I groan before saying, "I'm going to go fetch Hiccup," Fishlegs nods his head still in the book of dragons, Snotlout sticks his arm out from Hookfangs mouth and sticks his thumb up, Ruff and Tuff, no response. I just roll my eyes, hopping on Stormfly and taking off towards Hiccups house.

I jump off of Stormfly as we land and enter Hiccups house. Stoicks not here, probably doing 'chiefly duties', so I just head on up the stairs towards Hiccups room. I pause for a moment before I breathe out heavily and knock on the door three times rather loud. I hear a small groan and the creaking of the bed. Well he's definitely here. I will not let on my feelings, I will remain calm. I hear him say,

"come in," so I open the door causing a loud creak from it.

"Hey Hiccup," I say. He seems shocked as he falls back onto his bed. He probably just noticed that it was me. I hope that he wasn't shocked like, dissapointed. I don't really blame him.

"er, A-astrid, w-what are you doing here?" he stutters embarrassed, a slight pink tint resting on his cheeks. He gets up off of the bed and brushes himself off, I try to remain a straight face and keep in my chuckle.

"it's training," I say trying to remain as calm as normal. He facepalms, probably because he's never been late before or even overslept.

"I'm sorry..." he tells me apologetically.

"no worries," I want to say more but I just don't want to let anything on. "I'll be outside, just do what you need to do," I tell him, walking out leaving him in his room.

I feel so bad for not saying more to him, but I'm still mad, he can't just expect me to forget, even if it has been four years, it can't be unsaid as if he didn't say anything. 

I pick up my axe twirling it around my wrist dangerously. I walk outside to Stormfly and Toothless playfully chasing each other and giving each other small playful growls. aw they're so cute together, unlike me and Hiccup. I sigh blowing a piece of hair out of my eyes.

After about a minute he walks outside. I turn to him,

"you ready?" I ask him, as he gives me a small nod hopping on Toothless as I hop on to Stormflys back, before we hear someone calling his name.

"Hey... Hiccup!" a very unfamiliar girl says running over to Hiccup. She has wild, untamed red curly hair, wears a green dress with a golden belt and has blue eyes just like mine. I felt a pang of jealousy with her but I just shake my head rubbing away my thoughts.

"Merida, I thought that you would have gone home by now," he stated. I grinned slightly at that.

"nah, I thought tha' I'd stay for a while," she replies. I try not to look dissapointed.

"Ok, but what about your parents?" he asks her.

"they don' need ma, they'll be fine, so where ya headin'?"

"just the training arena," he replies

"yeah that's where we train dragons, nothing for a princess there," I cut in, trying to hide my feelings, I'm obviously not jealous, psshh, w-why on earth would I, fearless Astrid Hofferson ever be jealous of her?

"can I come?" she asks him. Come on Hiccup don't be a gullible idiot, Hiccup say no.

"su-" he begins but I cut him off knowing what he was about to say,

"I don't think someone of your standards would want to go there," I say.

"but I do," she replies plainly to me, glaring at me slightly but then she turns back to Hiccup and gives him a cheesy smile. Gosh I wish I could just slap that smug look off of her face. "can I 'iccup?" she asks him, giving him her innocent look, blinking her eyes at him. I think I might  gag.

"I don't see why not, hop on," he tells her. No! No! No! Why Hiccup? Just why? But of course I'm not saying this 'cause I like him, of course not. I roll my eyes. I see him smirk, is he happy or just doing this on purpose, and who is she? Hiccup takes off in front as I follow closely behind on Stormfly. I'm dreading what's going to happen...





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