Chapter 6: Tension

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I didn't know where I was running to, I just had to get away from him. I had to think, straighten things out. I can do this...

I cannot do this!

c'mon I am Astrid Hofferson, I'm fearless, brave and never cry. Pull yourself together.

I can't believe he said that. I mean I-I thought... that he loved me. These thoughts just angered me more.

Stormfly ran up to me nuzzling me and giving me dragon pity.

"I know, c'mon girl let's go home..." I hopped on her back as we lifted into the air.

"no, wait, I've got a better idea..." I tell her patting her back. "let's head to the cove..." she gives a squawk as I give out a little sniffle. Conceal, don't feel, don't let it show... I tell myself (I know what you guys are thinking! XD)

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"Argh!" I scream out loud chucking yet another rock like boulder into the pond. I hear the birds screech loudly and fly away at the sound of my raging voice. Stormfly gives a frightened squawk as I give her a reassuring look.

"it's Ok girl... just training!" I tell her throwing yet another rock into the pond. I suddenly just started throwing the rocks in all directions as my anger started to boil even more.

"son of a half troll, rat eating, bucket..." I shout. And yes I am talking about that... I'm not even going to mention his name.

I pick another rock getting ready to throw it in the pond like the others when I hear,

"uh, h-hi Astri-" before this person can say anything further I accidentally let go of the rock sending it flying towards him. I hear a,

"argh!" as he slowly opens his eyes to the rock like boulder, which had missed his right foot by inches. Pity. He let out a long sigh.

"Hiccup?!" I say. I notice my anger level rise as I remember why I'm here. I grab another rock throwing it into the pond. "I hate you..." I whisper under my breath. I don't think he hears me as he doesn't react.

"um, yeah, um A-astrid I need to speak with you..." he says scratching the back of his head. I am not even going to mention how cute it is when he does that because I am meant to be hating him at the moment, not loving him more. At that thought I continue to throw rocks into the pond.

"Astrid?" I remain silent. I don't want to speak to him. I know what it will leas to.

"Astrid please talk to me..." he says pleadingly. I just grab another rock throwing another boulder even harder. I just can't resist. I'm too gullible! I pick up my axe pointing it threateningly towards his neck.

"Give me one reason why I should!" I shout angrily. He can't just expect to say that and I will just openly speak to him like nothing happened!

"because you may not be able to later and by later, I kinda mean a couple of years..." He replies. At that I'm confused so I tell him,

"speak!" I lower my axe lean on it. He seems to lighten up after that.

"well..." He says nervously scratching the back of his neck. He apparently now wants to speak to me and I let him, and he is lost for words, what? "you see my dad kinda made this deal, which is why I accidentally said what you heard back there and-" He says. I was outraged. He said it, not Stoick. He has his own mind, mouth, he said those things and hurt me and he just goes ahead and blames his dad.

"Hiccup, Stoick didn't make you say anything, just... Just leave me alone!" I said tearing up again. Why does he have to make things so difficult?

"but please Astrid let me expla-"

"no!" I shout, cutting him off. I then without thinking run up to him, kissing him. "that's all you're getting off me... just please don't take advantage of that too..." I say sniffling beginning to walk away.

"Astrid wait pl-"

"goodbye Hiccup!" I snaps and begin to run. Why does he have to be so Hiccup? I think wiping my mouth with my sleeve. Stormfly nudges me. I forgot she was there.

"come on girl, time to go home..." I say scratching her side and hopping on her back.





With Hiccup... (Astrid pov) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now