Chapter 2: Waking up Snotlout...

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As we finally reach the academy we see Fishlegs and Meatlug waiting inside. He was cleaning out her ears.

"Hey Fishlegs!" Hiccup says. We already knew where the others were. Why are they never on time? Fishlegs stops what he's doing and looks over towards me Hiccup. He looks down towards our hands. Hiccup notices why. Hiccup hadn't noticed as I laced my fingers around his.

We quickly pull apart. dang it! And Hiccup claps his hands to get Fishlegs attention again.

"so Fishlegs, what's new?" he asks.

"nothing really..." he sighs. "All the dragons have been updated so there's nothing to update..." he sighed again. If Fishlegs loves doing anything it would be reading or rewriting some parts of the book of dragons. No wonder he's bored.

We had kept the book under tight lock and key since the 'Heather' incident. Oh Thor how I hated that Heather. I mean even though we made up I'm still not that friendly with her. No one just takes away my Hiccup and gets away with it! How I'd hate to live through that again.


We had now been waiting for 2 hours.

"Oh come why aren't they here yet?" Hiccup moaned.

"Come on Hicc let's go find them..." I sighed as he followed after me. Why is it always us having to find them?

After a few minutes on our dragons we were now face to face with the twins, Ruffnuts and Tuffnuts house.

"I'll go wake up the twins and you wake up Snotlout..." he tells me.

"With pleasure..." I smirk cracking my nuckles. I can't wait for this! I run off towards Snotlouts house, Stormfly following me.

I kick open his door. I can hear gigantic snores coming from upstairs. Thank goodness Spitelout isn't here I wouldn't want to deal with him too! He just lays there peacefully, thumb in his mouth. Yes he sucks his thumb. Oh Thor. Now I've got another blackmailing technique! I kick his stomach, but he just rolls over.

"five more minutes!" he grumbles.

"Stormfly you know what to do girl!" moments later and Snotlout is running around the house screaming before dunking his bum in a nearby pail of water.

"good girl!" I pat her head.

"you up now?" I ask him smirking.

"no!" he groans. I then hit him around the head.


"yes! Now will you stop hitting me?"

"maybe..." I say. I totally won't. "come on!" I say as we walk over to the twins house after feeding Hookfang.

Finally we make it back to the twins after the many pit stops fir Snotkout. I see the twins hanging like bats from a beam up by the roof. Of course the twins could only sleep like that.

I hear Hiccup question himself, "Oh great, now how am I supposed to-" he doesn't finish his sentence as an idea pops into my head.

"Duck!" I shout and thankfully he does just as the fireball shoots over his head aiming at the twins. We hear a few yells and then a thump on the ground.

"argh," Tuff groans, "I like it make a note..." Tuff says.

"ahem!" Hiccup clears his throat annoyed. "Hey Hiccup what brings you here?" Ruff asks.

"Training!" he exclaims.

"wait we have training today?" asked Tuff confusedly Ruff just shrugged her shoulders. he facepalmed. OMT he's cute! "come on guys!" he says gesturing for them to follow.

"wait what's that thingy you're doing with your hands?" asks Tuff.

"I dunno maybe trying to cast a spell on us, sorcerer!" Shouts Ruff. Why are they such idiots?

"if only it were possible..." I hear him mumble.

"Hiccup!" I snap.

"just, let's go..." he says.

We all mount our dragons. Snotlout is rubbing his bum and head. Haha serves him right! I hear him talk to Hiccup.

"Hey Hiccup, do me a favour would you?"

"what?" he groans.

"could you wake me up next time... not her!" he says pointing at me. I just shrug my shoulders smirking at him.

"well hopefully there went be a next time Snotlout, if only it was possible..." I hear him say.

Then after a few moments pass we finally reach the academy.

"Ok gang! Let's get started!" he says as he starta drawing some training techniques on the blackboard. Oh Thor, this is going to be boring...


With Hiccup... (Astrid pov) *ON HOLD*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora