18: werewolf [mature end]

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A/N: now who's excited for our Lexi to become a wolf...


Lexi's POV

My shoulder felt like it had caught fire as Damon's fangs pierced my skin and sank into my flesh. It hurt but in a way that I felt so disconnected from it that I did not scream. Flames licked into my veins from where his teeth had dug in and spread across my body until I was shuddering in Damon's grip, head tilted back in a silent scream.

"It's okay baby, I got you, I got you," I dimly heard Damon's voice as he pulled away from my neck.

My eyes were acting weird, everything was pulsing, going startingly detailed to blurry. But I managed to see Damon's face, his eyebrows furrowed, my blood smeared across his mouth. 

"It burns," I whimpered, my whole body racked in shakes.

"I know baby, it's your body taking in the mark, soon you will begin to shift," Damon picked up my shaking body in a bridal grip and carried me behind the white curtain that hung at the back of the stage, obscuring me from the crowd. 

My body began shaking violently, I felt like every nerve ending was on fire. A high pitched whine was filling my ears. Damon worked quickly at unzipping the dress, letting it pool to the ground. I should have been cold in the night air but I felt like I was being burnt alive. I wrapped my arms around myself, as if trying to hold myself in one piece.

"I'm here, it's okay," I heard Damon's voice in my head and my eyes widened.

"You're marked now, part of the pack, I can mind-link you now," Damon smirked, his voice echoing in my head.

I gaped at him, opening my mouth to say something when I doubled over, winded. I felt like my ribs were cracking, one after the other. I let out a cry of pain as I fell to the ground.

"It's starting baby, don't fight it, you're going to be okay, I'm here baby," Damon's hand felt cool and soothing on my shoulder as he sprung to my side, crouched beside me.

I let out a rough sob. It hurt so much. I felt like every bone in my body was slowly dislocating and cracking before reshaping. I could barely breath through the pain of my ribs, my back, breaking apart. I wanted to fight it, it was only a natural reflex, but I knew Damon knew best so I stopped fighting. The pain became so overwhelming I was surprised I hadn't blacked out yet. All of my senses were dissociating, become intense one second and then dulled the next. It was too much. It was too much-

Hang in there girl, the voice in my head re-appeared, after all that time. Hey, my mind was too delirious in pain to care that I was talking to a voice in my head. In fact, as time passed my mind felt further and further away from reality, as if I were receding into the depths of myself.

We can do this, you just got to hang on a little longer, the voice said. Who are you? I asked although I didn't know why. I was just being crazy, talking to myself as a coping mechanism.

I am Arya, the voice replied and I was confused. Your wolf, Lexi, it's me, you've probably heard me break through to you a few times before, like when you were in danger. You were fated to be a werewolf, to be Damon's mate, so the moment we met him, I woke up, but you were still too human and I was too far in your subconscious. But now you are becoming a wolf, you are becoming me! I will always be here for you now.

The soft female voice filled my mind as my senses went dark. I hung on to the voice, feeling myself near unconsciousness, trying to hang on, to be strong. Despite the deliriousness I heard the words. Her words. Arya. A lot suddenly made more sense. I wasn't going crazy after all. I wasn't crazy. And I had a wolf, a wolf...

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