6: morning after

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A/N: enjoy! No more mature descriptions here so welcome back to the innocent readers who skipped (if there are any of you haha)


Sunlight filtered in through the curtains and I groaned softly, rolling over. Well, I attempted to roll over. But I was met by a warm, hard, chest. A naked one. What the hell.

I forced my eyes open and as I was met by the image of Damon's chiseled chest, everything came rushing back. Including the soreness between my legs. I looked up at Damon's face to find him still sleeping. Or at least, pretending. He looked so vulnerable in his sleep, pink lips slightly parted just begging to be kissed and his long black eyelashes dusting the top of his cheekbones. And his jawline. God. He was a masterpiece.

I tried to move away from him, all too aware of his warm bare skin against my own. We were both still completely and utterly naked. As if feeling my attempt to escape his embrace, Damon's arms tightened around my waist, one hand slipping down to cup a butt cheek. I tensed in his arms but he didn't appear to be going any further thank god. I couldn't understand how his skin still felt so electrical and sensual against mine despite me having been thoroughly satisfied the night before and still sore. I had no intention of having sex again but the more I registered the feeling of Damon's bare body against mine, the more I became inexplicably aroused.

I sighed in frustration at my thoughts and my breath must have tickled him as he made an adorable snuffling sound (how this hulk of muscle managed to look adorable is beyond me) before snuggling his face in the crook of my neck. His warm breath tickled the side of my neck and his lips were only millimetres away from my skin.

The realisation hit me like a freight train. We were freaking cuddling. WHAT THE HELL. This was not supposed to happen. This was not ok. I was supposed to go home last night after... well after he completed his part of the deal... NOT CUDDLE LIKE AN ACTUAL COUPLE!!! I blushed as I remembered last night, his beautiful naked body and the way he had been so gentle with me and brought such intense pleasure. The way he groaned so lowly as he was buried inside me- SHUTUP SHUTUP SHUTUP

Damn it! Even asleep he got me all hot and bothered. I especially shouldn't be thinking about something that shouldn't happen ever again.... unfortunately...shit. Why am I sad at the thought of this not happening ever again? This was your choice you idiot! You're the one you decided to sell herself to a sex god and knew you weren't supposed to get attached... I silently berated myself as I tried to ignore Damon's soft breaths against my neck, his strong arms wrapped around my naked body and the roundness of my breasts pressed against his chiseled chest.

This was way more than our 'relationship' was supposed to entail and that realisation made me panic slightly. There was little chance that I would see Damon again anyway. And I was already way to attached - and don't get me started on how attracted I was to him. Making my decision, I slipped my hands between our two bodies and gently pushed him off me. I was slightly disappointed when he didn't react and flopped over on his back on the thoroughly wrinkled bed sheets. I slowly got off the bed so not to awaken him and to not increase the soreness between my legs, which seemed much less intense than I would have imagined, considering the size of him.

I quickly collected my articles of clothing strewn across the room and quietly dressed myself. I was halfway to the door when I turned back around for one last look of the man who had deflowered me. And my breath caught in my throat as his now open green eyes froze me sternly in place.

"Planning on leaving without a goodbye?" Damon lifted an eyebrow as he crossed his arms behind his head and I tried to ignore his bulging biceps, "Not even a thank you?"

"Uh..." I stuttered unsure what to say, "Maybe...?" I avoided his gaze (and biceps).

"And how were you going to get home?" he questioned.

Oops. I hadn't thought of that. Dumbass. I noted that I really had to stop talking to myself.

"I'll take you home," Damon rolled his eyes as he saw realisation hit me.

In one smooth athletic movement he got off the bed and stretched like a cat. I unashamedly stared at his flexing muscles until Damon turned around at looked straight at me, catching me out. I lowered my eyes, embarrassed, and then my cheeks flushed as I found myself staring at his dick. I hadn't seen him flaccid yet but he was still pretty big. I cleared my throat, flustered, and this time looked up at the ceiling. A safer option.

I heard Damon chuckle lowly and then he moved around, getting dressed. I meekly followed him downstairs, luckily it was early enough that there was no one about. The ride back was awkward and I barely dared grip Damon around the waist. Thankfully the soreness between my legs had practically disappeared and riding the motorbike wasn't painful.

Damon's POV

Last night was amazing. I never felt that much pleasure in my life before. Certainly never when I had jerked myself off.

At least you haven't lost your skills Neo snickered and I rolled my eyes.

In a way, such pleasure caused me concern. It only added to the list of things related to Lexi which make me react in a very mate-like way to her. Waking up with her in my arms felt natural and something I would want to do for the rest of my life. And it was obvious that she was attracted to me.

Mate likes us, she was moaning your name Neo gloated.

Yeah, my name, not yours. Now shush I berated my wolf who was distracting my train of thought.

But since she was a human, it could just be due to my supernatural blood. I would have to wait. Wait for more obvious signs that we were mates. The further time we spent apart from now on the stronger the symptoms would be. And I couldn't risk marking her if she was just a nobody. No, as an alpha, I couldn't take that risk. My pack came before everything, before my own sexual urges.

You can't deny you only bought her from that auction because you were attracted to her in the first place. I ignored Neo.

I had already taken the risk of bedding a human who may not be my mate. I couldn't take any more risks.

Sold To Her Mate ✅ (+ bonuses upcoming)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang