1: the idea

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"You put them up in all the boy's bathrooms right?" I checked with Nathan.

"Yes ma'am," he mock saluted.

We continued walking down the hallway.

"Do you thing guys will come?" he asked, curious.

I nodded.

"They're boys. Full of testosterone. Of course they will come."

"But $5000 as starting figure is a bit expensive don't you think?"

"I'm not selling my virginity for less than that. In fact, that's why I'm holding an auction. Competition between horny men with big egos will make the price climb even more. And there will always be those coming to watch anyway."

Nathan shook his head.

"Why am I even friends with you?"

"Don't ask me," I winked at him cheekily.

He smiled before resuming his pensive face.

"Seriously though. Say guys do come. What if some guy wins you that you would never sleep with?" he questioned.

"That's why we're going to have a camera and we'll be hooked up to earpieces. I'll tell you which guys to allow to pass or not at the entrance. Don't forget, they have to show paperwork proof that they're clean too."

"Why have you thought of everything?" he sighed exasperatedly.

"Cos I'm awesome like that," I laughed.

"Wait a second! Are you saying that I'm leading the auction?" Nathan turned to me, after processing my previous answer late.

"Uh yeah...?" I smiled sweetly.

"Oh my god," he shook his head in disbelief, "I'm selling my best friend's virginity in a freaking university auction."


Right. So at this point you're probably wondering what the hell is going on. Let me start at the beginning.

My name is Alexandra Jackson. But everyone calls me Lexi.

And as you might have gathered so far, I have...interesting ideas. Like selling my virginity at an auction.

Okay okay you think I'm crazy. Well personally, if you take certain precautions, I think it's actually a fantastic idea.

To be 19 years old and at university and still be a virgin sucks. Well it does for my horny self. I mean, it's not like I didn't know any guys (I'm straight by the way). I even had a couple of boyfriends. But none of them lasted long enough for us to get down and dirty. Unfortunately. So I had a brilliant thought: why not make some money out of it?!

I'm not promoting prostitution or anything, don't get me wrong. This is different. The guys have to show paperwork proof that they don't have any STDs, I'll only let guys into the auction if they're physically appealing enough to me to actually want to fuck them, and the starting price is $5000.

I would rather start at $10 000 but I thought $5000 was a nice round price that would be useful for me and that some guys may actually pay. I didn't want to make it too expensive either. Cos I can't forget that the actual reason I'm doing this in the first place is to get laid (with monetary benefits). Hehe...

I often pull Nathan into my schemes. I honestly don't know why he puts up with me. Maybe because he's my roommate and he knows I could chuck him out of my parent's flat if he doesn't do what I want. At this point you may be thinking that there's something going on between the two of us. I mean, what sort of girl lives with her male best friend? Well, don't ponder it anymore. He's gay. And he has a boyfriend. Mike. He's quite nice and often comes around for movie nights. And then I lock myself in my bedroom and put on my earphones so I don't have to hear...stuff... They're a pretty cute couple. They go well together.

Anyway, back to the topic. The auction of my virginity. Of course, my parents don't know about it. I mean, duh. They would die of a heart attack, come back to life, murder me, bring me back to life, and kill me again. So no. No way are they gonna find out.

I made posters explaining all the details for the auction which I made Nathan put up in all the boy bathrooms. Today's Monday. It's happening on Wednesday. In a tiny amphitheater at the back of the school . There's no going back. I didn't put my name on the posters. No way. I have a reputation. You might be thinking, what if I was ugly, I mean from the guys point of view wanting to come buy me? Well, I put a photo of me in a bikini with my head chopped off on it. On the day, while Nathan leads the auction, I will be on stage, tied to a pole, wearing only lingerie and a mask covering my face. I know, I know. Sounds a bit dramatic. But I think the boys will like it. The winner will get to take my mask off and untie me, afterwards, when everyone's gone. During the auction? Well, my body is probably what's going to interest most of them anyway. I mean seriously. They're horny boys. And I might as well let you know, sorry if it sounds conceited, but I'm definitely not ugly, and while I have curves, I have a flat stomach.

Well then, now we'll just have to wait see...

Fingers-crossed my plan works out as it is supposed to... otherwise I may have a problem.

A/N: short chapter I know sorry, but they will increase in size as we get more into the story.

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