13: pack life

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Lexi's POV

My mind raced as I sat behind Damon on his motorbike. These people that I was about to meet properly, they were like his family. They were his pack. And last time I hadn't made the best impression.

Anxiety nibbled at me as we arrived. I removed the helmet, hands shaking.

"I'll introduce you to those there," Damon was saying, "And then we'll head up to my office for a meeting with my closest advisers. We will officially introduce you to the pack on a date we will organise."

I felt slightly relieved I wouldn't be facing the whole pack at once. As the door opened, a group of people came into view. The men were all handsome and muscular and would have made my panties wet in any other situation than this. The women had an ethereal beauty to them, making me feel so boringly human.

The chattering group fell silent as Damon and I appeared in view. I noticed Luke as he stood up, at the back of the group.

"Damon," he came up and they grabbed forearms, some sort of pack greeting.

"Beta," Damon nodded, calling him by his title and revealing that I knew the truth, "I would like to officially present you my mate, Alexandra."

Luke's eyes flickered over to me and had he made an awkward grin.

"Nice to see you again Lexi," he hesitated at greeting me properly so I initiated it.

Damon shifted uneasily beside him as we made contact, so I shot him a look to placate him.

"Good to see you too Luke," I grinned at him and he seemed to relax a bit, "Can't believe you didn't tell me you were a werewolf."

He chuckled, taking his arm back.

"It wasn't my place to reveal our secrets."

During our greeting, other pack members had stood up and come closer, waiting to greet me.

"This is my mate, Alexandra, who is to be your future Luna," Damon called out over the whispers, and a series of woops and claps came from the small crowd.

"I am Lee, the pack's Gamma," the Asian man with piercings introduced himself for the first time and I awkwardly greeted him in the way of the pack.

"Eric," a youngish brown-haired man grasped my forearm.

"Jason," winked a tall Brazilian-looking man.

"Yra," was a beautiful girl with long black hair.

"Jen," followed, looking like a twin to Yra.

"Matt," was a friendly looking bloke with a goofy face.

"Lilly," bounced a cheerful looking female with light brown skin.

"Aaron," grinned a dark skinned man.

Then there was only one person left. A lithe female, waves of strawberry red hair flowing over her shoulders. She looked me up and down and I bristled. Who did she think she was. 

"Raquel," she finally said in a musical voice, grasping my forearm.

She met my eyes in challenge and I heard some gasps in the crowd. She had no right to challenge my authority like this. But I knew what she was thinking. I was just a mere human. An imposter to their family. No qualifications whatsoever to be mated to their Alpha, to become their Luna. I held her gaze, staring her down. Damon growled lowly behind me in warning and she finally lowered her gaze.

"Pleasure to meet you," she stepped back, looking at her feet.

"The pleasure is all mine," I replied, voice steady, sweeping my gaze across the small group.

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