4: stolen kisses

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I was kind of scared when I walked across the university grounds the next morning, but no one said anything. I guess the boys either didn't snitch or didn't recognise me. Thank god. It would have been embarrassing as fuck if word had got out. I didn't know when I'd see Damon again. Or when he would give me the money. Or take my virginity. Just thinking about him and our contract made me blush.

"Hey have you heard from Damon yet?" asked Nathan as we walked down the hall to the lockers that students were allowed to use if we paid a fee.

"Nope," I replied, popping the p, trying to act like I didn't care.

It was Thursday. Three days since I had 'sold' myself to a man. A very sexy one too... - no- back to the conversation, the thought of Damon is too distracting.

"Do you think he's going to make you wait a while?" chuckled Nathan.

"Hey! It's not funny!" I thumped him on the arm, "And I hope not," I muttered under my breath.

Next to me Nathan was complaining about my hit and rubbing his arm.

"You're such a wimp," I rolled my eyes.

Nathan stuck his tongue out at me and we continued in similar fashion until we had reached our lockers. There were a few between ours so Nathan kept going down the hall while I turned to mine. I let my bag drop at my feet before undoing the padlock. The door swung open with a creak. I shuffled through my belongings as I packed my bag to go home. I didn't have much work to do and so my bag was lighter than usual. Finished, I slammed my locker door shut. And my heart nearly stopped as I was met with Damon's face. No no, not a picture. Like, the actual real thing.

"Oh my god! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I gasped, clutching at my chest.

"I know. I'm so breath-taking," Damon smirked.

"Sure. Now what the hell are you doing at my locker?" I rolled my eyes.

I was trying to pretend that I felt perfectly comfortable, when I really wasn't. He was really close to me, and it was affecting my body in ways it really shouldn't. Those bright green eyes of his seemed to see right through me and all I wanted was to grab my bag at my feet and run off. But obviously, that wasn't an option. I was going to have to deal with him. It was my fault that he was giving me attention anyway.

"Well," Damon put his hands on either side of me, trapping me against my locker (I was close to hyperventilating at that point), "I've come to take you home."

"H-Home?" I asked breathlessly and incredibly confused.

"Yeah home," he lent forwards slightly and my heart raced even more, if that was possible, "To my home so that I can give you your first deposit."

"Um... okay," I replied, praying for him to put some space between us before I either kissed him or fainted.

Luckily, he seemed to read my mind and he stepped back, letting me go from his caging arms. He began walking down the hallway and I took a moment to admire his back muscles defined by his tight grey shirt, the casual way his black leather jacket was slung over his shoulder...

"You coming?" Damon looked at me over his shoulder.

I blushed, caught out, and quickly bent down to grab my bag to hide my red face. I turned around to see Nathan watching me with raised eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and grabbed out my car keys.

"Here, you get home. And there better not be a scratch," I chucked the keys at him.

"No worries darling, I got it," he smirked, catching the keys and twirling them around his finger.

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