9: confusion

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I'm sorry I've been gone so long... 🥺 uni was hectic and had to get rid of a toxic ex BUT now I'm on holidays and in a healthy happy relationship so I have some time and love to give to you. So, new updates coming 😘😘


Damon's POV

I avoided her all week. How could I not? I'd nearly marked her, without her permission, without her even knowing the truth about me. I was furious at Neo, furious that he took over and dared to try and claim her without even my permission. He was convinced Lexi was our mate, and I was inclined to believe him now, but his behaviour was unacceptable. I was furious at myself, for having been unable to control him, and for nearly hurting her. I was furious at Luke for courting her and daring to kiss her. All in all, I was furious. 

And a furious werewolf isn't very safe. I spent the majority of the week in the training room, smashing punching bags and working my body to the brink. Or I was out patrolling in the nearby forestland, taking Neo for long runs to tire him out and subdue him. I didn't dare even go onto the university campus for fear of running into her. Every time I saw her my self-control wavered more and more to the point where I was becoming a danger for her and everyone around her. 

I knew I had to talk to her. To explain things. But where to start? Human mates do occur, but there wasn't a step-by-step handbook for how to explain things to them. And I was an Alpha, not just any wolf. While Lexi seemed strangely calm and understanding, I was terrified that she'd look at me like I was a lunatic and reject me. I wouldn't be able to cope with rejection. And I had to stay strong for the pack. 

I grunted, slamming my fist into the bag with anger and frustration, making it finally give out and burst. I breathed heavily, sweat dripping down my face, my tank top soaked. My whole body ached from the trauma I'd put it through the past week but the burn was nice, keeping me grounded. I brushed my shaking hands through my hair, brushing away the strands sticking wetly to my forehead. My knuckles were red and raw, callouses harder than ever. 

At least I was exerting myself so much that I had no trouble falling asleep. But often I'd wake early in the morning with Neo wining lonelily. So basically I looked like crap.
We need mate Neo snuffled.
I know Neo, I know I sighed, resigned, but not relieved in the slightest. 

Lexi's POV

The next week was pretty calm. Strangely calm. I didn't get a single glimpse of Damon or Luke, and barely ever came across any of the others they hung out with. I even saw one visibly stop and change directions after seeing me. I wasn't sure what was going on, what Damon had said, but I knew they were avoiding me. I'd tried texting Luke to apologise and ask him what happened but he just replied a very short cryptic message that he wouldn't be able to talk for a bit and for me to take care of myself. 

I was strangely calm about what had happened at Damon's, teetering between acceptance of some supernatural occurrence and some sort of hallucination. But I wasn't scared, I wasn't worried. I was curious, yes, somewhat confused, but I still weirdly enough trusted Damon and I felt it deep inside me that he meant me no harm. 

I poured all my energy into my studies that week, distracting myself with completing late notes and getting a head start on assignments. But in the moments of calm, lying awake in my bed trying to fall asleep, trying not to miss the warmth and scent of Damon, I'd picture it in my head again. The way his pupils changed shape, how the green of his eyes glowed, how his canines had elongated. That wasn't human. That wasn't normal. 

I felt like I'd walked straight into a fantasy and in a way that was so very exciting but I had trouble wrapping my head around it. It was hard to accept. I didn't want to believe that I was crazy, although the voice in my head hadn't returned since that night, but I also didn't dare believe that a fantasy world did exist. That supernatural creatures lived. That Damon was one of them.

I loved fantasy as a child but I hadn't read any in a very long time. I distinctly remembered that not all fantasy was great. Whatever cool amazing creatures existed, there was always an opposite, a creature of destruction. And while I wasn't scared of Damon, whatever he was, I was scared of his world, and what his world would do to me, a mere normal very basic human. 

However much I wanted nothing to do with his world, I felt tied to him, and deep down I knew there wasn't much I could do to avoid getting mixed up in whatever was happening. I'd told Damon I'd be there when he was ready to talk. And I would. But the longer away from him, without any news, any proof of even his existence, the harder it was to believe I wasn't insane and what happened really did happen.

A/N: I know this is a relatively short chapter but I hope you still enjoyed it, I know it's been a while, and I promise things will get more interesting in the next one. 😊

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