Chapter 22 - To Kemuri! (And Slight Misunderstandings)

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"Good luck, Shina, I think you're going to need it." Kakashi hugged her foster sister as Shina buried her face into Kakashi's flak jacket, catching the hint of cinnamon scent of him.
"Thanks, nii-chan, say good-bye to Naruto for me too!" Kakashi nodded and placed a brotherly kiss on her forehead. Shina smiled.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Shina." Itachi came trudging to the gate holding his own necessities needed for battle and personal hygiene. Shina smiled at him and said, "We don't want something to happen and have any trouble passing to the Land Of Iron." Shina said before muttering out a few words to herself. "And hopefully not getting into an embarassing situation with you." Itachi heard it loud and clear, he chuckled to himself. Itachi saw Kakashi looming over his figure in a menancing way. "Take care of her." Shina sweatdropped.

Shina wasn't expecting to be in a mission as Itachi, not the one of the bandit operation. It was something different this time. It was Shina and him alone. Jumping through treetop with chakra molded unto the soles of their feet, they were speedily heading to the outskirts of the Land of Iron. Within the five hours of travelling from Konoha and a couple teleportation jutsus, they arrived at a small, local village in the Iron not far from Kemuri, the village of the smoke. They were greeted with smiles of village people and laughing children in the late night. Shina was fascinated with the floating lanterns in red and yellow with stalls selling the traditional takoyaki and shooting games Shina always loved.

"It seems like a festival here." Itachi monotonously said beside Shina who finally opened his mouth after the five-hour travel. Shina sighed in relief from his reaction to the beautiful festival. "Indeed, it is a festival. I'm just waiting for you to speak after the five-hour travel towards Kemuri." Shina giggled, her silk voice melting Itachi's heart, which in return, he awkwardly smiled.

Both of them are walking down the streets of the small village, occasionally stopping to see interesting items they want to buy. Shina's eye was caught by a magnificent kimono that was white with pink floral designs at the ends of the dress with a black obi and white sides. She stopped and went to look closer. Itachi was stopped also and wanted to see what Shina was looking and his onyx eyes caught the same thing. Shina saw the price tag and almost fainted to how expensive it was. A woman inside the store saw the duo and her voice startled both of them.

"Ooh!" The woman was revealed to be a wearing a very tight kimono, showing the.. center line of her chest, almost showing her.. chest and a slit at the side of her legs. Her seemingly brown hair was tied in a gold ornament with a magenta gem as its design and was wearing heavy make-up. The woman leaned unto Itachi and grabbed his collar as her chest was smushed against his ANBU chestplate.

"Why, hello young man~" Shina would lie if she wasn't even a teeny tiny jealous of the scene that was occurring infront of her. "Please, get off me." Itachi's deep voice only aroused the woman more and was already squealing, jumping off of him and cupping her own cheeks and an evident blush on her cheeks. "This so my type of man!" She squealed and looked at Itachi once more, and started to mutter everything she saw and started to creep Shina out as goosebumps started to appear on her pale skin. "His face is so physique, like I imagined! Low onyx ponytail with long bangs and is a shinobi. He has stress marks and has a very sharp and long nose. His plump, chaste lips and has a jawline." The woman's nose bled. Shina was starting to grab tissues from her satchel. The woman started to grip Itachi's biceps and other physical parts of his body, other than his.. ahem. At this point, Itachi's uncomfortable levels were reaching Jashin's empire.The woman's eyes focused on the part. "I wonder how long it is." Shina was getting dizzy, feeling her soul slip out her body and the blood was rapidly losing through her nose, don't worry, there's already tissues clogging her nostrils. The tissues were dripping with blood and Shina looked paler. Itachi (I was about to put 'released himself', but nope, I ain't writing nasties.) removed himself from the grip of the woman and grasped Shina's heavy, yet rapidly losing skin color, body.

"That's enough, Geisha." A man appeared from the store. He was quite old, Itachi described. He was bald with a gray mustache. He had wrinkles and moles in different places of his face. He was wearing a green button-up with a gray apron with a pocket, along with some black khaki pants and black dress shoes. "Didn't I tell you to remove the kimono off the window? I told you also, no more creeping on other men. Last time you did that, you almost got slapped by that man's fiancé." Shina cringed at the thought of the woman's doings.

"I am incredibly sorry of what my granddaughter's actions." He bowed 90 degrees and his tone had a tone of apology, which made Shina frantically panic. Shina chuckled awkwardly and dragged out, "Yeah.." She took a look at Itachi whose soul managed to get a grip of his own body.

"Are you okay, shinobi-sama?" The old man asked Itachi who was leaning against Shina, still not over the happening that's happened to him. "I'm sure he will be fine." Shina's growing blush was very seen by the old man, who introduced himself as 'Gramps'. "The red hair, gray eyes, a face like the Yellow Flash..." Gramps trailed off, "Could you be, perhaps, the Reaper?" He asked and made Shina jump and Itachi slur and buried his head deeper into her shoulder. This only heated her face alot more. She could smell his hair, with a hint of mint.

"I suppose that is your beloved?" Gramps cheekily asked, swishing the tea that was in his hand. Shina shook her head vigorously. "Ye--" Shina's face only reddened and had a little blood spewing out from her nose, "NO!"

An elderly woman's voice was heard and appeared through the door, which Shina assumed was a kitchen because she was holding a tray with a teapot and four cups on it.

Shina and Itachi were inside the owner's house. It was very cozy and had a lot of antique things inside it as well as the chairs they were sitting on. Itachi and Shina were sitting across the old man along with his wife with a large coffee table in between.

"You are this generation's reaper, correct?" The elderly woman asked, handing Shina a cup of tea. Shina nodded and accepted the cup of tea with gratitude but raised a brow and decided to ask, "How do you know about the reapers though?" The old woman only giggled.

"Do you know the story of Kemuri?"

Shina raised her brow once more and said, "No, I don't think so." The old man only smiled and stated with a narrator's voice.

Long ago, in the land of fire, a red-eyed beast locked eyes with white-haired beauty..

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