At the end, she concluded that, What we see,is not always what is, what we think, is not always what is, and no matter the proofs pointing at a clue or the clues pointing at the proofs, she could not judge, not even a bit. Life did teach her that as a lifetime lesson..

True, First impressions do induce, helpless thoughts into ones heart, especially hers, just like she did on meeting Farouk the first time, just like she did on seeing the grand nature of his house, it always made her to define something she's never seen before, making her evaluate a meal before tasting it, making her like it at first sight or even dislike it at the sight. Due to judgements..

But again, she knew that one thing she wasn't amongst numerous others, was perfect and well...that word, judgement, fitted so well to the word perfection, which landed her to the final conclusion of only a perfect someone has that liability to judge, and most definately, that gives that perfect someone the liberty, right and authority to point out imperfections..

Oh no, she wasnt perfect..she was tainted, Much more tainted than the back of the black pot she'd grown her entire life seeing in their kitchen. Funny!.

Her door turned opened and her eyes had to catch a glimpse of the grey article of clothing he wore on the upper part of his body, she definately did not notice-notice him, and she knew if something had happen to him on or during their journey, she wouldn't have being of much use when it came to describing his physicality or to lessen that a bit, his outer appearance.. All she could tell was that he was a full human, he was not handicapped in anyway.. oh! And the grey piece of clothing she recently noticed too..

Farouk did not speak but with a slight gesture he threw her way, she knew she was meant to get out of the vehicle and move along with him, and that she did, trying her best not to allow the terrific nature of the flamboyant air around him intimidate her, again, she wondered if it was so normal and straight forward to arrive back at his home, with someone, his to be wife, namely to be wedded soon.. no, she wasn't so sure.

She did keep it somewhere at the back of her mind, that, the way he walked, his posture and stance.. would be the way she would move, whenever her father, voices out she was his daughter and he wanted her back!. She'd walk just that way, strong, bold and confident..But she doubted she was learning that anytime soon, anonymous to how she walked clutching unto the belts of her back bag, like a third or fourth grader walking into a new school the very first day..

Trailing her out of her willy-nilly thoughts, her ears caught the whispers of a girl and he got a girl, that she so much wondered if she had gotten her self into a campus of only boys, and that increased the sweat forming on both her palms and forehead, No! Her father approved him, that would mean he did a background check...

And no! The man before her did not seem like that.

Still the whispers from the synonymously dressed maids did not seize till she directed her gaze at them which calmed her a bit, noticing they were female humans.. but they could also be a bunch of trafficked ladies, her mind threw, and that squeezed her anxiety more, she couldn't filter what she felt no more.

Finally reaching a large white oak door that oozed a sense of complexity and grandeur, she halted once she saw him did, as he stood, in front of his mothers home, his home, he so badly wanted to turn back to his wig and after his family members were done with the drama he knew they will most certainly stage, he'd be back...But, again, he couldn't bring himself to leave her standing there alone and facing his family alone, that, in it self made him question himself, never has he ever, since the start of his maturity, or as long as he could recall him living and breathing, contemplated on something so slight. Even when it came down to making real-life decisions, he was one to simply make choices almost at the point, but this, was clearly different.

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