New Town, New school life...

Start from the beginning

"Now, class settle down. Your project is the easiest project you will have in this class. You and a partner of your choosing, will create the solar system. This project is to show the school board, what you know about the solar system."

After Mrs.Herz said this, I immediately look at him, and he looks at me. We are working together.

"Before you all find a partner and start on the project, let me take attendance. Shawn, Bobby, Sam, Alex, Robin, Zack, Bill (he raises his hand) Jack, John, Liz, and Jazmine, ( I raise my hand.) Alright now that, that is done, you may all find someone to work with, and start working."

I turn to Bill and say, "hi, Bill, i'm happy to be working with you on this project."

"Hi Jazmine, glad to be working with you to."

"um Bill, can I be honest with you with something?"


"well okay, um, you are the only person I know, and ever talked to. Every school I went to, I always got bullied because of my style and I think you and your brother would be the only people who have style kinda like me."

"wow I had no idea. Sorry you never had a friend before. Well I will be your friend. and how did you know I had a brother?"

"you and this guy with dirty blond dreadlocks sat next to me on the bus this morning, and you guys kinda look alike so I just thought you guys were brothers."

"smart girl. I like that. I know my brother will to. His name is Tom. We are Identical twins, and Tom is 10 minutes older than me. To be honest with you to Jazmine, Tom and me have only had a few friends. They don't go to this school anymore. They were trouble makers. Not very many people liked us either, because of our styles. Now we are back at square one with no friends for the new school year."

"I would have thought you, and Tom would have a lot of friends. I would have thought you guys were popular."

After a few more minutes of talking, we start on our project. I grabbed a science book, and Bill grabbed the materials needed for the model. I start finding the distances from the sun, and the planets. Bill places them on the board. He is a great, funny, person. He is kinda cute, but the butterfly feeling wasn't in my stomach. Weird. Maybe the feeling was about Tom? Haha, that could never be. He isn't even my type. Bill is more of my type. We finish our project, just in time. The bell had just rang, and we turn our project in.

"bye, Bill." I say

"bye, Jazmine. Hope to see you later."

I go to my next class. Math, so boring.. When the bell rings, I sprint out the door.

I go to my locker to get some things for art class. I see that Bill and Tom are across the hall. The butterfly feeling comes back. I say to myself, Oh my, I think I like Tom. This is so weird. I don't know what to do, how to talk to him, what if he thinks i'm wierd? They start walking my way. I look at Tom. Awe he was really cute, and his lip ring so cute.

"hey, Jazmine, this is my brother Tom. Tom this is Jazmine, the girl I was telling you about. Jazmine, I hope you don't mind, but I told Tom about your place, with friends."

"oh, it's not a problem Bill. Hi Tom, nice to meet you."

"Hi, nice to meet you to Jazmine."

"Well, I gotta go to art class, so see you guys later?"

"wait, which art teacher do you have." Tom asks.

"Mr.Allen." I say

"that's who we have. (they both say at the same time, in the same voice, like the twin brothers they are.) let's walk down together."  Tom says.

Is this real love? [Tom Kaulitz fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now