Chapter 11 : Gifts And Schemes

Start from the beginning

A while passed and Crystal had opened all the gifts including the one from Harry, Joe's friend and partner in crime who had given her a book set of thriller-adventure series which a boy would certainly enjoy more but Crystal was happy to read any genre. Even Mel's gift was a pleasant one and for the first time she believed that Mel wasn't that bad of a person as other students complained.

There was still a present yet to be opened and Crystal had saved it for last. Her fingers shivered as she picked it and the silver logo glistened in the dim light.

'Only for your precious eyes.'

The voice echoed in her head as she skimmed her fingers over the case. Crystal had a million thoughts in her head and to solve them, she had only one solution- to open the gift. She nibbled on her lower lip and opened the wrap to reveal a dark blue rectangular velvet case with the same logo in gold.

As far as she knew, jewelleries were stored in these sort of cases and she knew there was one inside but no matter what, she had decided that she would return it with respect because it sure must be expensive. She unclasped the case and what it contained inside, made her eyes sparkle with its shine and shimmer.

It was a delicate pearl and diamond bracelet with a pink diamond encrusted, detachable rose in the middle which could be worn as a pendant and in the centre of the rose was a letter 'C' adorned with smaller gems.

The gems were as attractive as Mr. Deighton's eyes and she gulped at his thought. This present had left her dazed and in confusion. Crystal held up the card beside the bracelet and read it,


Dear Ms. Crystal Moore,

We wish you a wonderful birthday and a year of good health, happiness and success. Please accept this small token of love as a present.

- Deighton Diamonds.


Below the note was the signature of the chairman of the company and Crystal's eyes bulged out of the sockets when she read Mr. Deighton's name.

He wasn't just any other person, the person she met at the party was the Cloyd Deighton, chairman of Deighton Diamonds!

The very man who bought the infamous and haunted Sapphire Manor.

She couldn't believe herself that just a few hours ago, she danced and conversed so casually with such an important personality. Mr. Cloyd Deighton was a powerful and mysterious man ruling the world of diamonds and she had read about him in the newspapers but his pictures were something that were hardly shared and this clears why some people remained relaxed even after seeing him. She considered herself lucky to have met him in person.

Crystal put the card back in and closed the box without touching the bracelet. She must return it carefully and even a single scratch would cost her life. So, she packed it back again in the same way before and placed it in her drawer.

Letting out a puff of breath, she calmed herself and played an imaginary scene in her head as to how she will confront Cloyd while returning the bracelet.


[ Venue - The Sapphire Manor]


Cloyd stormed across the looming corridor suppressing his anger for Mark. If he hadn't interrupted them, he could have had some more time with his Crystal after so long.

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