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"You okay?" Julian pops one of the discs in his neck, looking up to see Bender standing.

"Yeah, why not?" he smiles faintly. John moves, sitting down beside the male.

"I just wanted to make sure, that's all."

"John Bender?" Julian questions, leaning away from the male. "The John Bender? The rebel, criminal? The one who knocked a guy out with one punch? The one that-"

"Okay, I get it," he chuckles. "Question: How did you know you were a fair-gay?"

"Not this again," Jc grumbles, moving to stand up. He's yanked down, his eyes going to the hand wrapped around his wrist.

"Look, I just want to know. I'm nosy." The smile on Bender's lips is enough to make Julian melt in his seat. He looks away, inhaling heavily before speaking.

"Me, my friends, and some others were playing 'Truth or Dare' at a party. I was dared to kiss the guy there. And-" He cuts himself off, sighing dramatically, imagining the guy. "God he was a hunk. I kissed him, and even though it was a peck, I knew."

"You never tried it with a girl?"

"Almost. Then she tried to suck my dick." He lets a moment pass before saying, "I don't know how but her mouth was as dry as the Sahara Desert." Bender's mouth gradually turns into an 'o'. Julian shrugs, waiting for him to react; he gets a laugh from the criminal.

"Wow, never had a girl like that," Bender laughs. He coughs a couple times, forcing the laughter from his body, becoming serious. "So you're telling me the way to know your gay is by kissing someone?"

"From my own knowledge, yes."

Bender goes quiet for a few moments. He shakes his leg quickly, thoughts moving like lighting.

"You okay, Johnny?" The nickname. Why did that make his heart rate speed up? Why is the blood going to his face, making his cheeks become the color of red roses? Why is he acting like this?

"Yeah, let's get back to the front of the library." He stands up, walking away from Julian without another word.

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