||Chapter 15||

Beginne am Anfang

Staring out the window, I slowly nodded,"If there's anything, just info-"

"Y/n." Hugo interrupted.

Angry, I snarled,"Don't interrupt me-"

"Y/n." He said more sternly.

Shock at his sternness, I hummed in reply.

"I wanted to say, before you interrupted, that a few of our men has left."

Brows furrowed, I dropped my legs down,"What do you mean?"

Hugo sighed,"A few men left, saying that there's nothing stay for, since you didn't need us for many years. I do honestly agree-"

Grunting, I deeply replied,"I need to go. Goodbye." before Hugo could speak, I hung up, staring at the screen, as he tried to call back again. Muting his calls and messages, I stuffed my phone away, as we reached our mid stop.



"Whoa! New record!"

Zack proudly smirked, before a ding was made from the machine. Turning his attention to it, the score 903 was seen.

"Wow! Another new record!"
"Already broken!"

"Was that your record Zack?" VinJin smirked,"You should eat more."

I was walking by, as I heard many uproars. Turning towards it, I deadpanned at their competition over strength. Shaking my head, I started to keep walking, but heard something break. Turning back, I sweated at the sight.

"Vasco broke the hammer!"
"Daniel ripped the punching bag!"

Eyes and lip twitching, I quickly walked away, as to not get involved with the incident.


"We're here!"

A hand covering my mouth, I did my ugly yawn again, showing my triple chins.

"Everyone line up! Everyone gather in front of me."

One eye peeking, I angrily eyed at the person,"Geez."

"Everyone assemble! Move quickly!" He continued.

"Woah! That instructor's hot!"
"Nice body!"
"Oh my!"
"He's mine!"

The girls giggled towards the instructor. I stared at him up and down, arms crossed. I mean, he is cute, but....I feel like something's off with him.

"Lol look at him."
"He looks like a goblin, hehe."
"Can't compare."
"Hope he's not our instructor."

Looking over, I spotted the stubby man. Smiling mentally to myself, I sighed. Reminds me of small Daniel! Small and chubby!

"This instructor can be an angel or devil, all depending on how you behave." The 'handsome' instructor stated,"We all have faith in you, but in order to be safe, we're going through your bags."

Leaning to the side, I noticed I was sixth in line for pretty boy. Sighing, I looked over to the right and noticed not even one girl dared to give the stout man their bag. Noticing I was soon next, I removed myself from the line. The pretty boy noticed me doing so, as his eyes narrowed at me. Not noticing, I handed my bag towards the other instructor. He stared up at me in shock, so I gave him a friendly smile.

"Line got too long, so you can check mine!" The man gulped, before taking my bag gingerly. Arms behind my back, I rocked back and forth on my heels, as he inspected my bag. Getting bored, I stared down at him, before my eyes landed on his name tag.

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