Back Like Before( part 3)

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After two minutes, the spell effect starts to wear off and the moment I can move, Lila finishes. She backs off as I jump when she's done and laughs.

" You really told the truth, my queen. Now we better hurry before the king chooses to see if you're alright."

" Yeah, Lila. I don't want to see Damon searching for me like a crazy man."

" And he would, my queen."

" I know."

After laughing, we exit the room and the instant we are about to walk down the stairs, warm hands cover my eyes.

" Lila, don't play with me."

The person laughs and I recognize Damon's laughter instantly. I smile and prepare myself to use a spell I have been dying to try out. Being careful for him to not figure out my plan, I talk casually as I make the strength of my spell stronger.

" Damon, would you please put your hands away from my eyes now? I'll trip if I can't see where I'm walking."

" I suggest another solution then, my love."

" Could it be not calling me that in public?"

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" Could it be not calling me that in public?"

" Nope."

" Damon, would you do me a favor then?"

" If it's to let you, my love, walk down all those stairs or pulling you away from me, then the answer is no."

" Quite the opposite, actually."

" Then you may ask."

" Do not attack."

" Huh?"

I let all the energy I have been preparing loose as I open my palms. Suddenly, Damon is surrounded by my special gas. Soon he lets go and starts to try and see better. I move away from my spell and laugh as he tries to find his way out of the blinding air.

" Luna, is this your plan of entertainment?"

" Kinda."

" Let's see how you enjoy my spell now then."

"Your what?"

I don't have time to hear his response when I am suddenly inside the air too. Confused at how it happened, I start to try and find my out as well. I am getting ready to use a spell when someone's arms go around my waist and pull me toward that person. I get distracted and throw the spell I made to the air by mistake. Luckily, it makes the air disappear and I look behind me.

" It seems I couldn't win with this spell. What will happen now, Damon? Lila is looking at us and it feels uncomfortable."

" So the great queen can be red then. Well, you did put that spell on me, so it's your turn to have trouble now."

" And how is this torture?"

" Easy. You'll be red as blood after I do my second phase."

I am about to respond to his confusing comment when he answers the current question at my mind. He picks me up bridal style and pulls me as close as he can to him. I hear a laugh and manage to see Lila looking at us from the bottom of the stairs. Damon looks at my red face and laughs as he jumps from the top stair. I'm surprised he can jump and not lose balance. He lands safely on the last stair and still is carrying me. He puts me down, but grabs my waist and turns me around. I look up and see his face close to mine. I look down instantly, but he pulls my chin up. I'm already red for his crazy acts, but he surprises me again by kissing me passionately. After our lips separate, I look down and don't look up as I hear his laughter in his ear.

" So, my love, how was my suggestion of getting down the stairs quickly?"

" Um, I don't know what to say right now."

" Was it my kissing or the previous actions that have you red as blood?"

" Damon, you are crazy to act this freely with Lila looking at us. I hate attention."

" But you're queen, Luna, and my bold actions will only become more frequent. You chose to love me, so you'll have to get used to my way of showing you my love. Now, how about some breakfast? We'll need to return to the human world in three hours, so we might as well eat in peace."

" Sounds good to me. And Damon?"

" Yes, love?"

" You have been the only one who made me go back like before. With your way of being, I now think and feel like before we separated ways."

" And I'll continue to be the only one to love you the most and do anything for you. Now, how about some food? We'll eat and then announce the engagement to the kingdom."

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