Surprise Company

22 11 0

( the next day, Luna finishes her work and returns to her apartment early. She changes into blue leggings and a black blouse. She puts her hair in a ponytail and drives to the restaurant. She enters and spots the happy couple right away.)

" Hi, Karin."

" Hey, Luna. Did Carlo tell you he brought a surprise guest tonight?"

" Carlo, who might the person be?"

" Well, a old friend. Don't get angry at me, okay?"

" Is that guest here?"

" No, he's actually walking towards us right now."

" Carlo, why did you invite that guy. I thought I told you to not get me angry, future husband."

" Carlo, is that guest Da----"

" Well, Luna, it's a pleasure seeing you tonight."

I turn around and see Damon smiling at me. I turn to look at Carlo and he takes us to the table quickly.

" Well, let's begin the dinner."

" Excuse me, Carlo, but I gotta get fresh air."

" Of course, Luna. I should have told you."

" No, Carlo. I should have thought it twice before coming."

I walk out of the doors and sit on a bench outside. A hand grabs my shoulder and Damon speaks in a serious tone.

" Luna, we have to speak now."

" No, Damon. I told you to stay out of my life."

" Luna, you are not going back inside, until we speak."

" And how do you plan to make me listen?"

He drags me to the bushes and kitsunes surround me.

" I'm sorry for doing this, Luna, but I need you to hear me out."

" Damon, we already spoke.Now, make them back off."

" No, Luna. You can simply turn and make them though."

" Damon, it's been three years since I last turned."

" Well then, you have no choice, but to listen."

" What I needed, Damon. You can't just enter my life again and expect everything to go back as it was before. You don't even know, if I'm good at the magic anymore."

" You are a kitsune, Luna. Just listen to me or transform. Your choice."

He can tell right away that I won't transform and sighs. He starts speaking and I'm starting to feel the need to transform again. I was myself as a kitsune, but I'm sure it would be a mistake if I ruin all I have accomplished.

" Luna, I did what I did to protect you. You just came at the wrong time and I need to say what really happened."

" What happened then? You were under a spell or something?"

" Yes and no. Yes because Karin made a witch give me a potion. No because I needed you to see something horrible."

" Speak quickly, Damon. I gotta return to the restaurant."

" Okay, so I broke the spell after the stupid kiss, but I realized that you were going to continue being attacked, so I might have acted without thinking of the consequences. I tried to explain, but you were cold with me. So I left the town and changed my appearance. Now, why did you think I was being cold with you?"

" I don't have to say anything, Damon. You explained and have no reason to continue trying to explain."

" Luna, please try to understand my actions."

I can't stand him anymore and I feel the urge to transform grow stronger.

" Damon, tell them to get away from me now."

" You really changed. Guys, get away from her and leave us alone."

They nod and I glare at him.

" Damon, I changed my way of seeing things and I like my life . . . better now. So don't make me listen to your stupid excuses. It's the past and that's how it will stay, are we clear?"

" But you still love me, Luna!"

" No, I don't. Now, don't force me to do things I don't want to do and stay away from me. You had your chance with me three years ago, but not anymore. I'm seeing someone and I don't need you getting in the way."

" Who is this guy, Luna? Does he really exist?"

" Goodbye, kitsune prince."

" King, Luna. I am currently the king of the kitsunes."

" Then marry a kitsune woman and be happy. You'll be better off without me, kitsune king."

He tries to grab me, but I get out of the bushes and re-enter the restaurant. I say I'm feeling bad and go home.I call my mother and say to make another dinner with the family with the son. She's surprised, but says she will. I thank her and pack for my journey home.

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