First Boyfriend

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" I didn't respond and how is that kiss a explanation?"

" It says I like you, Luna. Also, respond to why you responded."

" I ----"

" I won't teach you the spell."

" You wouldn't."

" Try me."

" Fine, so I may have not been able to stop myself."

" Good. So you feel the same way?"

" Yes, I do. Now, can we please talk without anything else happening?"

" Of course, but what are you going to tell your family about us?"

" What do you mean?"

" I mean to why I'll start being around you more. I expect you to come up with a excuse because I don't want to go to prison for doing nothing wrong."

" Well, I'll just say we're dating."

" How will your mother respond?"

" Not good, but we will be able to see each other without it being a secret. Also, I am getting bored of going somewhere else and not a place near the park."

" Okay, so we'll go with that. But won't your mother think it's weird that we don't act like a couple?"

" She won't because we will. You gave your explanation, now I'll give mine."

" Of course you will."

" You like me and I like you, right? I doubt you will be able to resist kissing me or something like that. Also, she will be angry and avoid us."

" Smart and beautiful. You would make a great kitsune princess."

" I know. Now, let's return to the house and you will enter by the front door."

We reach the house and he knocks. My mother opens the door, gaps when she sees him, but stops after seeing me behind him.

" Enter."

" Thank you, mam."

We enter the kitchen and she turns to us. We sit on the counter and I tell her the good news.

" You said I had to bring my boyfriend home for lunch, right?"

" Yes."

" Well, I chose to give Damon a chance. I did as you asked and brought him for lunch."

She gasps once more and looks at him. The doors open as she's digesting the news and my father enters the kitchen. He sees my mother's expression and looks at where we are.

" I guess you date him, Luna."

" Yep. I brought him for lunch."

" Luna, may I speak with your mother for a minute? She needs time to digest your sudden news."

" Sure, father. We'll be in the garden doing homework."

" Good. I'll go fetch you two soon."

We nod and instead of going to the garden, we go to my room. He laughs, when he sees my ten libraries and sees the genre of each one.

" You really are into kitsunes, aren't you?"

" Told you."

" So why are we here again? You told your father we would be in the garden."

" It was partly the truth, you know."

I grab my sword from under the bed and pass it to him. I then continue to take out the guns, daggers, ninja stars, second sword, and the rest of the weapons.

" What should I do with all of this?"

" Wow. Really make a great kitsune princess."

" I know, right? Now, respond to my question or statement."

" Well, find a use for each one. By the way, how did you keep them a secret all along?"

" I, um, might have told them the truth."

" How did they remain calm?"

" I said I threw them away. Also, I have lot of things I use to cover them up."

" Smart. Now, let's go to the garden and make the story you said true."

" Without your bookbag?"

" Problem solved. Look at the finding and order spell."

He turns and does a lot of hand motions. After the hand motions, he does a move and red light surrounds him. Suddenly, his backpack is in place of the light. 

" See, problem solved."

" Cool. You have got to teach me the moves for that."

" Anytime you have time."

" Well, let's get going. My father is about done talking with my mother."

He nods and we run to the garden. We are reading, when we hear pans falling in the kitchen. Minutes after that, my dad comes to the garden and is embarrassed.

" Sorry, she is just, um, well, digesting this slowly and in her own way."

" So she's throwing and punching them. How did you manage to not get hurt?"

" I said I already had a injured leg."

" So you want us to cancel our plans here? I don't want to risk her attacking him."

" Yeah, you two go the cafe."

" I don't want to cause trouble, sir. I'll leave and wait until your wife is in a better mood to come back and try again."

" You aren't, right, dad?"

" Um, yeah, Luna."

I grab Damon's arm and pull him towards the exit. He quickly gets our stuff and lets me pull him. We pass the kitchen and manage to not get hit by the flying pans and silverware.

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