Kiss Explanation

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I notice Karin is angry, when Carlo comes back confused. He whispers in her ear and she nods. They say their goodbyes and walk away.

" I think we will be in more trouble now."

" Luckily, you have almost the same strength as me. We can make illusions to help us."

We forget about them and focus on the exercise. The day goes by fast and I run home. I arrive and notice the kitchen is clean. Confused there is no note on the table, I put my bookbag down and inspect the house. The living room, bathrooms, dining room, and the bedrooms are clean and empty. She was not supposed to work today, but it seems she did.

" Looks I have the house to myself."

" In your dreams, young lady."

I turn around and see my mother's angry expression. She has my bookbag in her hands and throws it at me. Naturally, I catch it and maintain my balance.

" Carlo called and I decided to talk in the yard. What he said is not good either."

" What did he exactly say?"

" Lots. Like you being a monster and manipulating nature. It was confusing on the illusions parts. Also, you hurting that girl's leg!"

" Knew it."

" Explain this instant! What did you do to Carlo?"

" First, he attacked me. Second, I didn't do anything wrong."

" So she was attacked by another girl exactly like you?"

" No, I just got attacked by her and I defended myself."

She repeats the question and the same answer comes out. We are fighting once more, when my phone rings. I grab it, ignoring her expression, and it's Damon.

" Excuse me, mother. I'll talk in the garden."

" Who is it?"

" Damon."

I am in the garden and sit on the bench as I answer the call.

" Damon, what is it?"

" I have to explain why I kissed you. I've been making myself find an excuse, but you need a explanation."

" Look, it was to not let my mother find out the truth. I already know the reason."

" That's only partly the truth. Can you please meet me right now in the park?"

" I'm fighting with my mother actually. Oh yeah, what will happen if she knew what I am?"

" She would be taken to the council. After that, well, I don't know. It's rare people find out our secret. Why?"

" Nothing. I'll see you in five, okay?"

" See ya soon."

" You too."

I am walking to my room, when I hear things breaking in there. I tense and slowly walk inside. But instead of it being a attacker, it's my mom. She's throwing my things and searching for something.

" Mom, what are you doing?"

" Looking where your secrets are."

" Nowhere. You know I don't keep . . secrets from you guys."

" Lie! Where is your diary?"

" I don't have one. You said it was a dumb thing to use."

She yells, leaves the room angry, while leaving her mess behind. I sigh and change into something casual. I then am heading out the door, when I find it locked. Angry, I run back to my room and jump out the window. I land and walk to the front. My car is parked there and the keys are inside.

" You didn't."

I try the door and it's locked. A idea comes to mind and I call Damon.

" Are you being attacked?"

" No, I just have a question for you."

" Okay, what is it?"

" You said I had new magic tricks, right?"

" Yeah?"

" Do you know one to unlock things?"

" Why?"

" Just answer."

" You can't use that spell without practice. Tel me, why do you need that spell?"

" The keys to my car are inside."

" Okay, wait for a minute and I'll help."

" Wait, i just -----"

" Just wait."

He hangs on me and after a minute, he runs towards me. He shakes his head, when he sees the conflict.

" Why don't you just break the window?"

" How will I explain that to my family?"

" Good point."

" Just start telling what the spell is."

" Why don't we run there? It's much faster and I don't want to risk being attacked by car again."

" But I will need the spell to unlock this."

" I'll show you the spell when we return."

I nod and we run to the park. While we run, he picks up the pace and starts going faster. I manage to catch up, but instead of going to the park, he runs towards the forest.

" Why are you heading that way, Damon?"

He doesn't respond, but he sure increases his speed. I force myself to catch up and not lose my balance. We reach the forest and he runs to the middle of the forest. I catch up and when I arrive where he is, he grabs me. He pulls me to a tree, don't leave me any room to move around, and kisses me.

" Wha ----"

I freeze and respond without thinking. He separates and laughs, when he sees my angry expression.

" What was that for?"

" The kiss explanation. Also, you respond. Why?"

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