New Abilities

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 After three classes, Carlo ignores me completely. I am sad he has to go through this, but I won't allow anyone to control my life. Damon and I walk to the gym, when Karin steps in front of us and glares at me. I look at her leg and it has a cast.

" You can't work with us with your leg like that, Karin. I hope you get healed fast."

" Carlo will hear about this, fox."

" Sorry, wolf, but she already told him. You better act delicate around him from now on."

" Have you told her your identity, royal fox?"

" Yes. Now, get out of our way, wolf."

I push her out of the way, when she keeps getting in front of me. I enter the changing room and lock all of my supplies. I change and as I exit the door, Karin grabs me tight.

" I won't let Carlo stay in the friendship you two have, fox."

" He already is mad at me, so say or do whatever you want."

I pull her hand away and I wish her leg was in worse condition. Damon and Carlo are waiting, but don't speak.

" Let's go warm up. I think soon the annual competition will be held."

" I'll catch up later., but you go ahead with Damon. I'll talk with . . . Karin. See ya soon."

I look at Damon, but he shakes his head, when I'm about to go after him. He leads me outside , but we start running the instant our feet touch the grass. While finishing up the laps, he starts a conversation and I'm glad I still have at least one friend.

" Why are you upset, Luna?"

" I never wanted to get him mad, Damon."

" He will forgive you. Just give him some time."

" I want to, but the attacks will continue and I can't risk Carlo finding out the truth."

" You have three tails now, so you can probably use a huge amount of magic."

" Hope so. When will we practice?"

" How about you first trick your family into believing you're staying with someone tonight? I don't want them to think something happened to you."

" How about I say we'll study for a test?"

" I know for a fact that your mother doesn't like me."

" But she wants me to follow her path, so she'll have no choice but to accept it."

" True. Okay, we'll train at the meadow near this town at, maybe,8:00."

I agree and we finish the warm up. We finish, but Carlo still stays away from me. Karin smiles, when she sees how he treats me. I point to her leg and she whispers something in Carlo's ear.

" Luna, can we speak for a second?"

" What for? I thought you were angry at me."

" Please."

" Fine."

We walk to the shadows and I'm waiting for him to speak, when he grabs my throat and pulls me to a wall.

" Let . . . go. . . . Carlo."

" Lady Karin asked for your head, fox. So she'll have it."

I look closer at his eyes and their like those strangers with her. I try to break free, but he really uses his strength this time. I have no choice, but to transform. Luckily, no one comes and my secret is safe.

I use my magic to burst fire and he blasts away. I wait, until my breath is back to normal, and attack him with a illusion. He freezes and his eyes turn back to normal. I make a protective circle around me and make the trees use their branches to hold him up. Lastly, I enter his mind and put him to sleep. After that, I quickly make another illusion and run away. I turn back and notice Damon is running towards me.

" What happened?"

" I can now use fire to defend myself. I also discovered more new abilities from only one attack."

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