False Explanations

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I am running faster than before and I am almost done, when Damon reaches me. He gets ahead and I run faster. I barely manage to beat him. I smile and he laughs.

" You are only faster after turning."

" You really don't try, do you?"

" No."

" Unfair."

" Now, why did you take a long time with Karin?"

" Why does it matter to you?"

He grabs my arm and pulls tight.

" Let go."

" Explain what happened first."

" You don't have a reason to care."

" I happen to be doing you a favor. If it wasn't for me, you would be in trouble by now."

" I would find a way to not be in it."

We hear Carlo calling us and he lets go. Karin catches up and is behind her boyfriend. She sees Damon and me in a bad mood and tries to put us in a tight problem.

" So, Damon, where are you from?"

" Well, My family actually move a lot."

" Cool. What do you say we go to meet your parents soon? Right, Luna?"

" Well, um, he might ---"

" Good idea, My love! We can go and meet his parents. What do you say, Damon?"

He looks at me and I suddenly get an idea. I smile at Karin and get close to Damon.

" Actually, didn't Karin tell you, Carlo, that she wanted to go on a date tonight? She was shy to ask you though."

" Is it true, Karin?"

" I, well,---"

" Why didn't you just say so? Sure, we'll go to a fancy restaurant tonight at 9:00. Is it okay?"

She glares at me, but I just keep my smile on and play innocent.

" It's okay. Thank you, Luna, for telling him."

" Your welcome. What are friends for, right?"

" Yeah."

Damon sighs relieved, but Carlo then turns to us and demands the explanation we promised in the morning.

" Now that we have that settled, why were you two late?"

Karin smirks and looks at us, while smiling victorious.

" Well, um, I offered her a ride home."

" What else?"

" He was almost at my house, when the car stopped. He checked it and there was no gas."

" Then, I asked for forgiveness and she said it was alright. We decided to walk, when I remembered I needed to head to a close by shop for school supplies."

" Yeah, um, and then I decided to go with him. We bought what he needed and were heading home once more. Halfway there, a group of ten guys and a girl surrounded us."

I look at Karin and her smile decreases a bit.

" I asked what they wanted and they said a little fun with her. I refused and got in front to defend her. They were more of them , but luckily, I took fighting lessons. I managed to fight off five of them, but the other five grabbed hold on her. She managed to get off three, but that's it."

" Did they hurt you, Luna?"

" No, Carlo. I took out the sharp items from my backpack and used them. I took the rest out because you know that I don't like the attention."

" We then ran to my home, since it was closer. We were waiting for a while, but she fell asleep.I then asked my parents, if I could borrow their car. I also called my favorite mechanic to pick up my car. I drove her home, but her mom was not there yet. I had no choice, but to let her sleep in my house. I laid her down on the guest room and went to sleep."

I look at him, asking for help, but he only shrugged. I try to think of a good finish and the simplest answer comes.

" I woke up the next day late, since the covers were warm. After he put gas in his car, he decided to not take his car and walk there. I always run, so I had no problem with that. We ran here and almost didn't make it. That's it."

Damon looks at me, surprised at how I only put in part of the truth. Carlo looks at us and burst out laughing. Karin is surprised our story worked. She is about to try and demand answers, when Damon gets ahead of her and asks Carlo a question.

" Carlo, can I ask something?"

" Sure."

" What is Luna's favorite food?"

" Why?"
" I want to take her on a picnic today."

" As a apology."

" Yes. I didn't know those events would have happened."

" Well, you can just ask her yourself. But be careful, she's as red as a tomato."

He looks at me, but I keep my head down. If I knew he would have made a lie out of the story, I would have added a solution quicker. Karin bursts out laughing and suggests we head to the same restaurant tonight.

" No, thank you. I want to apologize properly."

I try to of a way out of this awkward conversation and remember yesterday's promise.

" Carlo, didn't you say you would bring me breakfast as a apology for yesterday?"

" I forgot, since I was worried about you. I 'll buy the food and Damon will only have to bring the rest on the picnic. Deal?"

" I didn't ---"

" Sounds perfect. Thanks, Carlo."

" You're welcome, my friend."

The rest finish and we start the activities. We have the same partners, but I only speak with him when it is needed.

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