Chapter 10 - Revelation

Start from the beginning

"Too much information Laxus." Freed said with his arms crossed, looking embarrassed.

"Sorry, but it's true." I replied.

"So you took the risk then." Master Makarov said disapprovingly.

"Hey, it was a good night." I chuckled.

"Good night or not, you've landed yourself in a bit of a predicament. Why Akari has been sick and has had these symptom flare ups is because she is in the first stages of Dragonslayer pregnancy." Porlyusica explained.

"She was never truly ill then?" Freed asked.

"No. Her body is just reacting and adapting to protect the baby. When Gajeel hit Akari's abdomen earlier, he made it turn to an iron like state, almost like a shell. This was to protect the baby from harm. When she went berserk, that was due to her protecting the baby as well as Laxus as her natural instinct saw Gajeel as a threat to her family." Porlyusica explained.

"That's why she's been acting so weird, do you think that might also be why she's been missing Laxus so much?" Gajeel asked.

"Most likely, yes." Porlyusica replied.

"I'm actually going to be a dad..." I said quietly.

I was shocked at first because the whole situation didn't seem real, but now I'm feeling pretty good about it, not even that, I feel over the moon about it. I wasn't planning on any of this to happen at this moment in time and truth be told, I personally would've waited a little while longer before starting a family with Akari, but that doesn't matter, today is a blessing for me and I hope that Akari feels the same way when she wakes up. I can't believe I'm going to be having a kid.

"You okay Laxus?" Freed asked as he walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

I turned my head to look at him and all I could do was smile.

"I feel brilliant. I can't put into words how happy I am right now." I said with a grin.

Master Makarov walked over to me and stood in front of me. Our eyes were level with each other, we looked each other in the eyes with sincerity.

"Looks like you're going to be a great grandfather, old man." I grinned.

"Looks like it. I am really happy for you Laxus, even if you've been a bit of an idiot." Master Makarov said with tears forming in his eyes.

"Aw, that's so sweet." Wendy smiled.

"They're having babies." Juvia mumbled as she crept closer to Gray.

"What's up Juvia?" Gray asked.

"Can we have a baby too!" Juvia exclaimed as she jumped onto Gray.

Gray was trying to push Juvia away from himself.

"What!" Gray exclaimed.

"Please Gray sama!" Juvia said as she continued to try and hug Gray.

"That's so weird!" Gray replied.

"Some things never change." Lucy sighed.

Everyone was overjoyed to hear the fantastic news, still a little surprised of course, but still extremely happy.

"Well, that's my job done." I grinned.

"No it's not." Master Makarov replied as he whacked the back of my head.

"Ow! What the hell is that for old man!" I exclaimed.

"You will look after that girl for the full nine months and treat her like a queen." Master Makarov said.

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