She lead me into a kitchen, the inside of the apartment is much smaller than that of AllMights, then again he is the number one right. But this place seemed more homey, more like a place a family would be found living.

"Can I get you a drink or something whilst you wait for Izuku?" She asked he voice still shaken but her stutter gone.
"Um no thank you." I reply politely.
"Um okay. Um if you don't mind me asking, umm what do you need with my son? It not normal for people to come over for him." When she asked this I was so taken aback, I didn't expect this from his mother, I thought that Izuku would have lots of friends giving his kind ways.

"We are going to hang out today. You know as friends?" I look at her, I wanted to give her a reassuring smile, but I couldn't.
"So yo are his friends!? A girl?! I thought this day would never come!" His sweet mother started to hug me, what's worse is that she's like a cm taller than me. But she seemed so happy so I dare to pull away.
"Mom, if you hear the door knock its a- MOM!" I heard a door open and Izuku speak out to his mother, only to find her hugging me as if her life depended on it.
"Izuku why didn't you tell me a FEMALE friend was coming over! I would have cleaned this place up a little, made some nice cookies and look at me, I would have cleaned myself up bit. I'm s sorry about this dear. I'm Inko Midoriya, its a pleasure to meet one of Izuku friends, especially one as pretty as you are." His mothers eyes seemed to gleam as she looked at me from head to toe. It was a little uncomfortable but when I glanced at Izuku, it was worth it. His flushed face was so... adorable.

"You know what, you two go have some fun and I will make you both something to eat." Inko ran into the kitchen and started to gather a bunch of things.

I look over to Midoriya, he seemed so embarrassed. I just wanted to....

"I'm so s-sorry about t-that." He crossed his arms over his face, I took this time to take in his appearance.

He has buffed up a lot since when I first met him. His hair messy as always but it suited him well. His freckles were probably the highlight of his facial features along with his big green eyes. He was wearing a pair of shorts and a black shirt. Nothing extravagant. But I couldn't help but feel my face heat up as I analysed him. What is this kid doing to me?

Izuku POV

I cant believe my mom did that. This is so embarrassing! And look at her! She is so... gorgeous. She's beautiful and elegant, her clothes suit her and look at her (E/C) eyes, I could lose myself in those. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair sitting nicely in her ponytail. Why does she have to be so... so... perfect?

"Umm w-what to go to my r-room and you know umm w-watch movies or p-play video g-games?" I asked, completely forgetting the contents of my room.
"Sure, lead the way." She replayed, her voice was laced with elegance, I could listen to it all day. And now I am going to ruin everything with my room. Like come on Midoriya your room is full of AllMight and AllMight hes her cousin. She's going to find me weird. Good bye friendship and everything I worked for.

"J-just a warning, umm, my r-room is quite well... umm this is embarrassing! Ummm, please j-just don't j-judge me." I opened the door to my room, revealing my collectibles and posters of All Might. I didn't want to turn and look at her cause I knew she would probably find this really creepy. She probably finds me creepy. No. I don't want that. I want her to like me.

Not in that way! Like I like her a lot, and I would love o get to know her more! Like I know she's sick and dying and I want to make the rest of her life amazing. But I also can't help but feel like she's hiding something from me.

"Do you admire All Might?" (Y/N) asked me, he voice was so elegant, it was such a beautiful voice. I wanted to hear her voice everyday.

IZUKU! Stop with the weird thoughts!

"Umm yeah! I have admired his since I was a child! Umm, h-he always saved people with a smile and was always fearless. I wanted to save people with bright smiles too. Be a symbol that people could look to and seek help from. Someone that anyone, no matter who, could look to and seek help from. I want to save people with the small bright smile and no one will fear when I am there. Oh I'm s0 so s-sorry! That's sounds really weird! I'm so sor-"

"I think that's admirable, how you can admire one so much, and have so much faith in one person. I have never seen All Might in action, so I wouldn't know what others see. But hearing you look up to someone is quite inspiring. I think you are going to be a great hero, regardless of what the people around you say." She smiled at me. She smiled at me. SHE SMILED AT ME! Oh my All Might her smile is flawless. She is so beautiful. I couldn't tear my eyes away from her (S/C) face and her (E/C) orbs. She was perfect in every way.

"Well there's this video of All Might, I used to watch it all the time as a kid, here." I walked up to my laptop on my desk, pulling up the video of All Might, motioning her to come over to my desk and take a seat on my chair. She walked over, he face calmer, much more at ease then normal, she took the seat and I stood behind her clicking play. The video of All Might saving hundreds of people by himself. The fact that she has never seen All Might in action even though he is her cousin is weird. Not only that her and All Might are nothing alike. Physically or mentally. (Y/N) is distant and mysterious.

"" She looked at the screen intently, her face focused. The video soon came to an end. Her eyes never tore from the screen.

"What illness do you suffer from?" I asked her out of no where. I am curious and I want her to open up to me.

However when I looked at her, she emend... sad. On no. What did I do. Why did I bring it up?

"Its okay if you don't want to tell me! I'm not going to force you." I went to go see if she was okay, getting closer to her. She flinched and retracted. Oh boy, I have messed up! I have made her sad, I made he mad t me. She won't want to be my friend any more and I will never see her smile ever again.

"I... just.... had a m-moment I'm sorry...... some bad stuff.... I should..... go." She said, her voice was now low, she was hiding her eyes behind her (H/C) hair. I couldn't just let her leave now that I know she is upset. I have to make this right.

I walk up to her and hug her, I feel herself stiffen, but soon I felt a dampness on my shoulder, her body shaking, she was crying. She was crying on my shoulder. It was a bit uncomfortable for me to stand and lean over and comfort her, so I had a moment of confidence. I'm going to regret this, she's going to think I'm weird.

I lift her off the chair and hold her by the bottom of her thighs, I walk to my bed as I heard her soft sobs, I sit down on my bed, allowing her to sit on my lap. This was so embarrassing. But I had to be strong, she was crying. I could feel my face heat up, but I ignored it and just rubbed her back as she kept on crying.

After a while she calmed down, but I kept rubbing her back, she was not shaking as much, but she was still slightly crying.
"I think... I want to tell..... you. I want to tell you what I can."

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