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It was four am, two days after Harry left when my laptop woke me up. There was a Skype notification blaring from the speakers and I picked it up.

Harry's Skyping me!

I cheered in my head, forgetting how tired I am and looked over to Louis, who I just had to detach from my waist. Louis and I had been sleeping in the same bed for awhile, and although Harry's irreplaceable, I hated sleeping alone every since he came into my life.

I accepted the call and in a couple short seconds I could see my Harry's beautiful face again.

"Niall!" he shouted. I was sporting the largest grin but it slowly began to fall as I saw Harry crying.

Harry what's wrong? I typed in the little chat box.

"I just can't believe I'm seeing your face again god I have missed you so much!"

I've missed you too I don't think I've smiled 'till now.

It looked like he was in a hotel room and it seemed to be a nice one at that.

"Niall, have I woken you up?" Harry asked. I nodded, thinking he probably saw my bed head.


"What time is it there?"

Four in the morning.

"Oh my god, go to sleep baby, I love you okay? Just sleep for me."

I nodded and he gave me a warm smile.

"Sweet dreams, okay? I'll call you later."

follow the tumblr blog: larrygayfxcks

please please do it because what i'm doing is going to be absolutely sick.

Reckless Soulmates [sequel to N.S.]Where stories live. Discover now