texts: louis and niall- morning

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again, i'm sorry that everything is crap these days.

L: niall.

N: lou. it's been awhile.

L: liam and i had great sex.

N: is that what you and liam are going to do all the time? have sex, talk about sex, maybe even watch sex?

L: niall he had a cock ring.

N: great? lol idk what to say to that.

L: i dunno niall, it was fantastic. anyway, how was prom?

N: it wasn't good, but being with harry was amazing.

L: what the hell you didn't get your party on?

N: louis i can't even...even think about having fun when harry's leaving in three days.

L: niall, you'll be alright. harry's not going to america to get away from you. he's going to make things better.

N: louis i don't know if i'll be able to get through the summer.

L: you've got me and liam to help you.

N: thanks, but i'll need more than help from you guys

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