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Harry and Niall climbed in the back of my car and I waved.

"Niall how ya doin'?"

He held two thumbs up and I returned them. At least he was doing okay...

"Harry I'm so sorry I had to go to the dentist, I-I could've prevented this--"

"Ey, someone has to fill those cavities."

I rolled my eyes but I was happy to see that he wasn't concerned.

Meanwhile I was worried as hell. I adjusted my glasses as I backed out of Harry's driveway. I was about to see Liam for the first time after he called me his 'little boy'. The fact that he knows about my little daddy kink makes me flustered.

"Lou, are you alright?"

"Just a bit overwhelmed..."

"First time seeing Liam after awhile?"

"Harry what if he doesn't want to see me? What...what if I'm just not good enough?"

"Louis William Tomlinson, you're a lot of damn things but one of them is not good enough. Anybody would be lucky to have you."

I wonder why he didn't stay with me then.

Liam texted me and I screamed. Harry screamed as well and Niall jumped in Harry's arms.

We hit a stop light and I grinned, picking up my phone.

Reckless Soulmates [sequel to N.S.]Where stories live. Discover now