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He looked up and we stared at each other momentarily.

"Look we need to talk,"

"Styles I didn't mean any harm to Niall I--"

"It's alright," I said, trying to calm him down, "I'm not angry anymore. I just want answers."

I sat down next to him and glared him down.



"Why Zayn? Niall's been dealing with you and your crap for months according to his side of the story. How am I supposed to believe that you did it because you love him."

Zayn sighed and picked at a crack on the table.

"It's really no concern now..."

"It sure as hell is Zayn, so talk."

"I...well I was jealous."

Oh my god.

"Jealous of what? What could you possibly be jealous of?"

"The fact that he wanted you!" he shouted, standing up and pushing his chair back aggressively. The librarian shushed us and Zayn sat down.

"He wanted you, and you were a blind dimwit. I could tell by the way he stared at you that he loved you and it made me mad that he wasn't staring someone who would stare at him back with the same loving gaze."

Ouch. Part of me knew he was right.

"So you beat him up?"

Zayn couldn't look me in the eyes when he nodded.

"You're not worth my time Malik, screw you."

I got up and stalked away from him, bug I stopped when I heard him laughing.

"Just wait," he snickered, "when you leave for America he'll know everything about you. You and your stupid mistakes."

"Mistakes can be forgiven." I shot back.

"Not yours Harry. Have you told him about Alexa?"

"I don't need to. That was before--"

"Don't give me that before shit. You don't deserve him. And I'll make sure he knows that by the time you come back."

He began to walk away before I called him again.

"How did you know about me going to America?"

He smirked.

"I have ears everywhere."

Reckless Soulmates [sequel to N.S.]Where stories live. Discover now