There's two?-chapter 24

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~2 months later~

Hayley's POV

I had started to feel my self again and Libby was doing great she was so beautiful and the best thing that's ever happened to me and Tom, she's taught us how precious life is and to be careful what you do with it.

Alex and Dougie were settled in to their new home by this point and luckily they had another guest room incase one of us needed to stay over but this was now going to be their babies room.

Alex and Dougie visit quite often to see Libby and us two of course (but mostly the baby). Allie, Danny and Harry and Izzy visit us when they can as they're busy quite a lot with their own lives.

Tom's amazing father. He's so good with Libby, he plays with her and looks after her and when she cries at night (to save me the trouble) he goes and stays with her until she falls asleep. He sometimes falls asleep with her which is so adorable. However, he leaves me to change her bottom but sometimes I pretend that I'm too tired so he can do it.

Alex's POV

Libby is so adorable, I freakin' love babies and I can't wait to have my own child. Saying that now sounds pretty overwhelming but it's growing on me. I want a little girl but Dougie said that he doesn't mind he will love them all the same whatever gender they are (which is true I guess).

We have been debating on what room colour to go with for our little boy/girl. I suggested cream or yellow? But noooo, Dougie wanted green. I bought yellow paint from the shops and he looked at me and said,

"Yellow it is then"

He then sighed and got on some dirty clothes and started to paint the room.

In the meanwhile I was looking for things to put in the room. Dougie said to me that we should wait to see what gender we're having and then we should decide what things to put in the room, I agreed as this was the smartest idea.

I had remembered something from when I was younger that my mum had told me. My great grandma had a twin and no one in the family had had twins after them. So my mum had said it was probably going to be me or my sister.

Alex-"Dougie, I think I might be having twins!"

Dougie-" don't know that for sure Alex"

Alex-"should I go to the doctors and check?"

Dougie-"yeah, I'll drive"

Alex-"ok let's go"

So that day we went and I registered in at the hospital and I got some very strange looks from older ladies who were pregnant and I was sat there looking like I was only 15!

I didn't care much as I had Dougie with me to support me.

We were called in to see the doctor and she scanned my stomach and we all stared at the screen intensely.

Doctor-"yep, there's two there"


Alex-"we're having twins!?"

Doctor-"looks like it missy"

Alex-"oh ok, when will we know what gender they are and if they'll be ok?"



Dougie-"stop worrying"

Alex-"I'm not I'm only asking Doug"

Doctor-"*giggles* in around 3-4 more months."

Alex-"ok thanks doctor for today"

Doctor-"my pleasure and please call me Lucy"

Dougie-"thanks Lucy"

Doctor-"oh hey, aren't you..."

Dougie-"Dougie? From Mcfly?"


The doctor just stared in amazement.

Dougie-"would you like an autograph?"

Doctor-"oh err...yes please"

Dougie just laughed and signed her a piece of paper and then held my hand as we headed out the room she seemed to glare at me when we left, I guess I had to get used to that for being Dougie's girlfriend and everything and having has children. Woopsy?

Danny's POV

Allie and I have been doing great and Alex had told us that she was having twins I hope they can handle it. Dougie's strong enough too but he can also get stressed very easily and can blow a fuse easily.

Alex on the other hand, was calm and nurturing and I knew (as well as she did) that she would be a good mother no matter how many babies she was having.

I've been working on so many new songs and I wanted to maybe write a song with Allie, like a duet wether she would like to is a completely different story.

Harry's POV

Me and izzy have been living in peace and quiet for the last few months, I haven't been in work because I've been quite ill. I hate being ill but izzy makes everything better.

I hope Tom and Hayley are doing ok? I had met little Libby and she was so beautiful like her mummy but I also saw a lot of Tom in her.

So Alex was having twins! I think she said that she wanted a boy and a girl because then they are still the same and share the same day but also are different as they don't look identical as one's a boy and a girl.

Dougie's POV

We had a lot on now with Tom and Hayley having just had Libby and Alex and I with babies on the way. We also have to think about our careers which for us was making music and making sure we keep up to do date with everything.

I had painted our babies room, I'm a bit worried the room won't be big enough for two babies now! I can't believe we're having twins (not that I don't want twins) it's just....very very overwhelming and everything seems to be happening so fast.

I still need to give Alex her "promise ring"....but when? She has a lot on at the moment....fuck it I'll give it her tomorrow.

~the next day (Saturday)~

I sat Alex down on the sofa and we were watching a film. Half way through it I decided to pause it.

Alex-"what are you doing ?"

Dougie-"I never gave you your birthday present"

Alex-"oh yeah"

She giggled and was waiting for me to reply.

Dougie-"I know everything's been moving fast and I love you Alex I really do and I know you're the one I just know it"

Alex-"Dougie where's this going?"

I knelt down on one knee....I may have lied earlier I wanted to propose to Alex she was the most beautiful and kind hearted person that has ever waked into my life and I want to be with her forever I've never felt this way for anyone. We don't have to get married yet but we will be engaged to be.

Dougie-"Alex, will you do me the absolute honour in becoming my wife?"

Alex-"Dougie *sobs* yes yes of course"

She then started to cry even more as I placed the ring onto her finger, she then said,

"I love you so much Dougie"

Dougie-"I love you more everyday and will for the rest of my life"

We were both tearing up at this point and crying into each other's arms but I've never felt this happy. That day was one of the best days of my life, the day she said yes.

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