Moving-chapter 3

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Hayley's POV

Me, Allie and Alex nervously walked into the room where we had our "meeting" with our parents. We sat down and my mum spoke up first. She said

Hayley's mum:"kids, before you say anything this is nothing to worry or panic about"

At this point we all took a huge sigh of relief.

Alex:"so what's this about?"

Allie:"was going to say the same thing?"

Alex's mum:"we have all been monitoring your band and your channel"

Allie's mum:"and we have decided to allow you all..."

Hayley's mum:"...To have your own flat and work on the band."

Alex's mum:"we will help you pay for whatever you need as we believe that this could work and we want what's best for you"

Alex:" wow mum, I never thought you would say that!"

Allie+Hayley:"I'm pretty shocked myself"

Hayley, Alex+Allie:" thank you so much."

Allie's POV

I couldn't believe my ears I can't believe they're finally agreeing to help us with this. I really want this to work out we will have more free time now to film covers and to do everything.

Alex:"won't we need a job, you know to pay for food and keeping the flat running?"

Allie:"oh yeah, well that's just great."

Hayley:"it's ok guys we can sort that out we will just have to find a job near our flat"

Alex:"ok, that's settled then"

Alex's POV

I'm so overwhelmed by everything that has happened to us so far, it's so strange considering we have to leave school soon and we have prom e.t.c...

I wonder if the teachers will allow us to play at our prom?

Alex:"hey Allie, do you think the teachers will allow us to play at the prom?"

Allie:"that's a good point actually, we could definitely ask"

Hayley:"that would be our first proper gig"

Alex:"that would be so cool, something else to look forward to"

Alex's mum:"btw you're moving into your flat in 3 weeks time"

Allie:"woah, this is going to be a busy next few weeks"

Alex+Hayley:"yep, it definitely is."

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