Still into you-chapter 7

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Alex's POV

It had been three months and we were all about to go on tour. Well Mcfly were we were their supporting act for each show. We were so excited but so nervous and the same questions seemed to keep haunting my mind. Will their fans like us? What if we mess up? What if we do mess up and it Jeopardises the rest of our career? I tried not too think about it too much.

So mine and Dougie's friendship has changed quite a lot in the past three months. He was my friend but now he's my boyfriend I know it's a bit obvious it was going to happen at some point but it has made me the happiest person in the world and I couldn't ask for a better life right now.

I have the most amazing friends and band, we are now a supporting act for the best band ever aka; Mcfly. And we all have the best boyfriends. You're probably wondering how we all became girlfriends of Dougie, Danny and Tom, so this is how it went with Allie and Danny.

Allie's POV

Danny had asked me if I wanted to come over to his 2 months before this so I accepted as I always did. We were planning on watching a horror film, I was terrified of this thought on my way there because I hated horror films but because I had Danny there I felt safer (which I guess is what he had planned).

We arrived at his and we got all of the popcorn e.t.c...ready for the film and we were watching 'saw' which was (I thought) one of the scariest films of all time.

When it was around 30 minutes into the film I was scared shitless by this time and one jump scare I jumped straight into Danny's arms and he put his arm around me (being the gentleman he was) whilst I still sat their trembling.

I then proceeded to scream and Danny jumped at the same time and he got up off of the sofa and paused it. I said "if you wasn't going to do that I was" he then replied

"Yeah maybe it was a bad idea to watch that"

Me:"well no shit Sherlock"


Me:"Oh my god is that the time (11 at night) maybe I should go"

Danny:"don't leave me....I mean it's a bit late for you to walk home on your own"

Me:"oh ok is that ok that I stay the night? Could I maybe borrow a top to sleep in?"

Danny:"of course I'll set up everything down here on the sofa"

He then smiled and went upstairs to retrieve everything. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep but I tried anyway.

It was around 1 o clock in the morning and I was terrified, I kept hearing noises and bangs and because I was on a sofa I seemed to be more scared as I wasn't in a comfy bed. I then heard a door creek and then close, I thought 'but Danny's in bed so what's that noise?' So I ran upstairs straight into Danny.

He looked shocked to see me but instead gave me a hug and obviously knew what was wrong with me as he said "don't worry you're safe". He then walked away excepting me to go back downstairs but I just stared at him blankly and he then smiled and said "you can come and sleep in my bed if that would make you feel any better?" I replied with a more calm tone in my voice "I would really appreciate that".

Danny got into his bed and I awkwardly got in beside him and let out a big sigh. It then started to rain and I'm petrified of thunder so I was hoping it wouldn't because I knew I would end up shaking and acting all weird, I didn't want Danny to think I was pathetic.

15 minutes later a huge struck of lightening flickered throughout his bedroom and I was waiting for the thunder and as soon as it hit I grabbed hold of the covers pulling them over my head trembling like a 5 year old girl not a 17 year old girl. I then felt the covers lift off of my head and I saw Danny and he said "I take it you don't like thunder", I replied "no" in a very shaky and trembly voice and just as he sat up in front of me thunder hit again and I sat up and jumped into his arms.

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