Postive-chapter 22

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Alex's POV

I heard Dougie quickly get up and rush towards me to hold my hair out of the way whilst I (being the attractive person I am) vomited into the toilet.

I knew that he knew but by the time I finished throwing up I felt too weak to talk about it.

What was I going to do? me! What will everyone think?

I needed to tell Hayley as I knew that she probably wouldn't judge me or be angry so she's the only one that I wouldn't tell at this point.

I got dressed and Dougie said

"Are you sure you're going to be alright Alex?"

Me-"yes I'm fine I just need to talk to Hayley"

I gave him a look which said what we were talking about. And he nodded and completely understood.

I made my way to Hayley's still feeling weak and shaken up from this morning.

I knocked on Hayley's door....I answer *knock knock*. She then answered looking very sleepy.

She knew something wasn't right as she said

"Get in Alex"

She then embraced me in a hug and asked me what was wrong.

Me-"Hayley, I....I errrr me and Dougie errrr.."

Hayley interrupted...

Hayley-"you had sex!"

Me-"shhh Hayley"

Hayley-"ohh was he good?"

Me-"yeah he was but that's not what I needed to tell you"

Hayley-"oh....Alex not you too"


Hayley-"you're pregnant aren't you?"

Me-"how did you know and I'm not sure but I did throw up this morning"

Hayley-"did you use protection?"



She then winked and laughed and I joined in.

Me-"we didn't plan for anything to happen that night but it did.

Hayley-"well I still have a pregnancy test in the cupboard from last time when I checked if you wanted to go and check now?"

Me-"yeah ok"

Hayley's POV

To be honest I wasn't completely surprised when she told me. I knew it was going to happen they've had the hots for each other for a long while now. But she is younger than me and like me we're only 17. Her parents are a lot more strict compared to mine so I don't know (if she is pregnant) how well that will go down.

Alex walked back in about 15 minutes later.



She sat down and started to cry (which is what I did). I was scared at first but Alex has always been a drama queen about everything and moans a lot so she was going to at a time like that.

Me-"Alex everything will be fine I...I promise."

Alex-"but Hayley, my parents."

Me-"I thought about that"


Me-"how about.....tell them when you're 18 because you can do what you like then."

Alex-"yeah I guess that could work"

Me-"and your bump will have grown so you can show how happy you are and I'm sure they'll support you"

Alex-"thankyou Hayley"

She then jumped into my arms and cuddling me until she was basically strangling me.

Alex's POV

I asked Hayley to tell the others I was too scared to.

~the next day at the studio~

Tom-"hey Alex, how are you doing?"

Me-"err great thanks you?"

Tom-"I'm great I'm really excited about the babies"


Tom-"yeah? Yours and Hayley's?"

Me-"oh yeah"

Tom laughed and then Allie ran up to me and hugged me and said

"Sooooo you had sex with Dougie...."

She then laughed when I hit her arm.

Dougie then ran up behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist and I looked up and he kissed my lips gently.

Danny-"PDA PDA"

Dougie-"shut up Danny, I've seen plenty of you and Allie making out"


Dougie then smirked and continued cuddling me. I really love Dougie he's always been there for me throughout everything that's happened in my career so far.

Harry-"Alex what are you gonna do about your parents?"

Me-"I'm more scared about my dad than my mum"

Hayley-"she's waiting till she's 18 because they can't really tell her what to do then"

Harry-"clever, let's hope it works."

Me-"yeah, me too"

Allie-"anyway, let's get on with rehearsals"

So we went to do our rehearsals for our first ever big tour next year. Everything's happening so fast. Luckily I will have had the baby before we go on tour, I will feel awful leaving my baby but Dougie will look after him/her. They aren't doing anything next summer we have checked. So hopefully everything goes ok.

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