Chapter 13

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Hey guys, I'd just like to say a huge thank you to KellyMikaelson for making this insane cover for me! This chapters dedication goes to her to thank her for the time and effort spent on making the story's cover! Thank you so much hun!

I slowly turned round to see a smartly dressed Elijah smiling down at me. I felt my mouth open slightly as I let my eyes glide across his form. After my eyes slid up to meet his, I felt my cheeks begin to heat to the temperature of the sun. 'You're not too bad yourself...' I muttered, completely embarrassed by the fact that he had seen me give him a once over.

'How kind of you,' he said with a playful smirk. 'I am glad to see that you wore the dress. I see that it fits you perfectly.' I blushed deeper as I watched his eyes glance across my body before resting on mine.

'Well, you did go through this era and probably met a lot of girls so you're bound to be an expert in dress sizes,' I laughed, suddenly dropping my smile as I realized what I had. My eyes went wide as Elijah's smirk grew into a large smile. 'Not that you met a lot of girls like that! Well, I mean you would because, well, look at you but...' I stared into his gleaming eyes as I dug myself a deeper hole. Finally, I sighed and finished my glass of alcohol, trying to look anywhere but at Elijah.

After a couple of painfully long seconds, I felt the empty glass being pulled out of my hands only to be replaced by a new one. I looked up to see Elijah grinning at me before raising his glass at me. 'Oh, my dear Miss Nightingale, you are amusing,' he said before taking a large sip of his drink.

'Thanks...' I said with a small smile before taking a small sip from mine. 'That reminds me, why are you calling me Miss? It's terribly formal, isn't it?'

'Indeed but I have not yet earned the right to call you by your first name,' he replied, taking another sip from his drink. 'Unlike my siblings, I still retain the ways of the less modern world. Decorum and formalities are a bliss that I would like to impart on many of the adolescents in this day and age.' Elijah gave me a smile before taking another sip from his drink.

I bit my lip, looking away as I nodded my head in agreement, trying desperately not to laugh. However, Elijah seemed to notice my struggle for he leaned slightly into my view with raised brows. 'Do I amuse you, Miss Nightingale?'

'It's just when you speak like that you remind me of how long you've been around. You talk of being formal and polite when your brother is acting the complete opposite.' I gave Elijah a tight smile as I nodded to the direction in which Kol was not a few metres away. He was downing his glass of champagne as he stroked a blonde girls neck; his eyes on her chest with desire and lust.

'He just can't seem to control himself,' sighed Elijah. He turned to me and took my free hand in his. 'Would it be wrong of me to hope that you will save me a dance?' he asked; his lips a breath away from my hand.

'Well, I am wearing your dress so it's the least I can do,' I said with a smile which Elijah returned before kissing my hand; his eyes never leaving mine. He stood up straight and nodded at me before passing through the crowd towards his younger brother who had managed to snake his arm around the girls waist.

I sipped my drink as I watched Elijah compel the girl to leave before whipping round to face Kol with a look of anger on his face. 'It must be hard to imagine someone in my family arguing with someone that isn't Niklaus.' I turned to my side to see another man that fit the description of 'tall, dark and handsome'. 

'It is a little strange...Not impossible, though,' I replied, taking a sip of my drink; my silver charm bracelet jingling against the glass as it slid down my wrist as I remembered that the face of the man next to me belonged to that of Finn Mikaelson.

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