Chapter 26

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'So, all I have to do is drink the magic potion thingy, say abracadabra, pick up Kol and come back?'

'Yes,' Oscar simply stated as he placed a steaming cup of the elixir on the table in front of me.

'It's that simple,' added Diego as he watched me from the other side of the table; his eyes never leaving me.

'Nothing's ever that simple...' I muttered as I brought the cup to my mouth; the essence filling my senses. 'That smells disgusting. What's in it?'

'Do you really want to know?' asked Diego. The glint in his eye made me close my mouth and place the cup back on the table.

'I'm still not 100% sure on how this works.'

Oscar sighed as he placed the lid on top of the pan with the elixir inside. 'The inner workings of a witches spell are too complicated to explain. Unless, of course, you want to waste time whilst I explain them to you.'

I lifted my eyes to see Oscar's slightly pissed off expression. 'I'm good.'

Oscar grunted as he moved the pot off the stove. He didn't look in my direction again before he walked out of the kitchen, probably to go and get the grimoire.

'Your dad really doesn't like me,' I laughed quietly as I moved myself in the kitchen chair. 'At least he didn't almost kill me when I met him.'

Diego burst into laughter. 'As I recall, you almost killed me. I just almost fried your brain.'

7 months earlier

Kol was dead. I still couldn't believe it. I hadn't spent much time with him but the time I had in that mansion in the middle of the forest, felt like a lifetime.

I had grown to care for the original, so much so that when I had finally reached home after the long and physically torturous day, I packed my bags and left. I couldn't bear to live with what happened to Kol. I needed to bring him back. The only witches I knew of that were powerful enough to make that happen lived in Salem. So that was where I headed.

After crossing the boarder in a stolen car, I stopped off for a drink in a local bar. Ordering a glass of whisky, I tried to figure out how I was going to find a coven of witches in the town that were notorious for burning them at the stake.

'You're new.'

I turned to see a middle-aged man occupying the stool just one over from mine. He looked like he hadn't showered in a week due to spending most of his time in the bar. I wasn't in the mood for conversation but I knew if I wanted to get some intel on the local witches, I would have to speak to someone.


Obviously not taking the hint that I really did not want to talk, the man moved to the vacant seat beside me with a look of happiness on his face. 'So what brings you to sunny little Salem?'

The only way I was going to find a coven of witches was to be blatant and honest. A trick I had funnily enough learnt from Kol. 'I'm looking for someone that can help with my problem.'

'Perhaps I can be of service,' he whispered; his face all too close to mine.

I turned to face him. 'Really?' The man nodded; the lust evident in his eyes. 'Well, I really need a witch to help me bring back my dead vampire boyfriend, though he isn't technically my boyfriend. I just don't know what to call him. But, hey, if you're capable then I'd really appreciate the help.'

I looked at the man who was completely silent. His eyes were wide, mouth slightly open and he was leaning back. I raised one brow, trying to hold back my smirk, before watching the man run out of the bar like a dog with its tail between its legs.

Beauty and A Beast (ON HOLD)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя