Chapter 8

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‘I’m sorry. I’m a what?’ I asked incredulously. 

‘That’s impossible. Elementals don’t exist,’ said Bonnie, giving her mother a wary glance. ‘They’re a myth.’ 

‘After everything you’ve been through, Bonnie, you must know that not everything is a fairytale,’ Abby replied with a cold look. 

‘That still doesn’t tell me what they are,’ I muttered, becoming impatient and annoyed at being left in the dark.

Bonnie replied to her mum as though I hadn’t said anything. ‘Still, that doesn’t explain why none of us have seen or heard anything about them.’ 

‘Still in the dark, guys,’ I said, although a bit louder than before. 

Abby sighed before finally turning to me. ‘There are many stories, many myths, about Elementals. They’re from the Earth. Like Mother Natures gift, if you will.’ 

‘So I’m a witch…’ I said slowly. 

‘Essentially, yes, in the sense that you are both from nature and therefore cannot be compelled by vampires. Do you know the First Creation Story?’ 

‘More or less,’ I replied as Bonnie took the only empty chair round the table. 

‘Well, when Adam and Eve were placed on the Earth, they had the power to rule over everything. However, Eve was the one with the true power. Though she was made from Adam, she was given the power to control everything on Earth. The air, water, even the ground itself. However, when they fed from the Tree of Knowledge, Eve's powers were taken from her. In a fit of rage and with the knowledge she had gained, she learnt of a new element.’ 

‘Fire…’ whispered Elena. 

Abby nodded before continuing. ‘She destroyed the Earth, burning everything that was created for her and Adam. Eventually, the power consumed her. But, before she died, Adam managed to bind her powers, making it so that, when the power was passed onto to their children, they could only control one element.’ 

‘But, not everyone’s an Elemental,’ continued Bonnie. ‘Aside from Eve, and the Creator themselves, whoever or whatever that may be, there have only been 3 others. One in 1666, another in the time of the Salem witch trials and another in 1887. Each of them were born under the blood moon on the night of Samhain’ 

‘Halloween…’ I muttered. I dragged both my hands through my hair before getting up and walking to the window.  ‘Okay. So, if Elementals can only control one element, why can I control earth and fire?’ 

Abby gave me a once over before picking up the bowl and taking it to the sink. ‘I don’t know. Either way,’ she said, turning to face me. ‘You’re more powerful than any of the others. For starters, Elementals only gain their power on the night of their 18th birthday. Yet, from the stories you’ve told me, you can control them anyway.’ 

‘Not by choice, if that has anything to do with it,’ I mumbled. ‘So, is that why the vamps were after me? Have I got some special blood?’ I laughed. 

‘You’re blood is different from any other beings, yes. I don’t know what it does but, what I do know is that it’s highly addictive to all vampires.’ 

‘Fabulous…Because knowing that will help me sleep better…’ 

‘From now until you turn 18, you will be vulnerable. You’re powers are not at their full potential and you won’t have control over them.’ 

‘So I’m basically a walking blood beacon for vamps?’ I said, clenching my jaw despite the feeling of unease inside me. 

‘Only if they have fed from you. Otherwise, you’ll be like every other human.’ 

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