Chapter 2

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Cold. Cold and sharp. That's what the knife felt like as it was slowly dragged across my left wrist. As it bit into the skin, I felt my jaw tense as I tried to bite back the sting, the burn, that the silver brought with it. Emotionless laughter filled my ears as the balde was dragged up my arm, ending the trail from the bottom of my palm to the inside of my elbow. 

I felt the warm liquid ooze out of the cut and slowly drip down the side of my arm as the knife pierced the skin of the other arm. I simply stared at the moon, waiting for it to be over. I didn't care anymore, I just wanted it over.

'My coven. We have gathered here tonight to witness the death of the...' Everything blurred into one as the stake was lit. Chanting filled the air as the flames began to lick and bite at my skin. The pain was almost unbearable, but I leant my head against the wood as I watched the witches grin at my demise...


I gasped for air as I shot up from the bed. I looked down at my body in panic only to see beads of sweat covering my arms and not blood or fire. I listened to my heart pound against my chest as I fell onto my back in relief, quietly laughing to myself at how a dream could get me so worked up.

Dragging a hand through my sweaty and knotted hair, I turned over to the bedside table to see that it was 4:03 am. Sighing, I let my hand drop on my stomach as I closed my eyes, still trying to calm my pulse. I had only been alseep for two hours.

After bringing in all my boxes and unpacking everything into Elena and her brother Jeremy's parents room, which I was still uneasy about as I felt rude for taking it, the Gilbert's had decided to take me to the most popular place in the town; the Mystic Grill. This is where I met pretty much everyone who lived there as the town was so small and not a lot of people went anywhere else on a Saturday night.

Caroline Forbes, like Elena, was stunning. Her blonde hair and amazing complection made her the object of most guys attentions, including her boyfriend's, Tyler Lockwood. Though she didn't have a filter when it came to speaking her mind, which I had learnt from her comments to Elena about Damon, she was sweet and certainly cared about her friends. Though, that was the same with the others.

Bonnie Bennett was quiet yet kind. When Tyler and the other boy named Matt Donovan were at the bar ordering drinks and Caroline and Elena were whispering to themselves, Bonnie started asking me questions about my life back in England like, what my school was like, what my house was like, of course I missed out the part that my house had burned down, and what my hobbies were. Thankfully, she didn't ask about my family. She just gave me a sympathetic smile before talking about the town and what school was like.

Tyler and Matt were interesting people. Tyler was confident, cocky but hilarious. The way he teased everyone could come across as cruel but the way he treated Caroline proved that he was a good guy. However, he did appear to have a short temper. Matt, however, was almost the opposite of Tyler. He was quiet, compassionate and always said the right thing. He also worked at the Grill meaning that we could get free drinks if we wanted, though he was pretty strict about the underage rule which sucked when you were 17 and could barely pass for a 17 year old.

Jeremy Gilbert was the one I was most curious about. He was sweet yet you could tell that he had a dark side, a side that he tried desperately to keep hidden from everyone. As he was in the same class as me, he told me all about the teachers we would have and how my godfather, Alaric, would be teaching us history. From the sounds of it, Alaric did a pretty good job so it didn't seem like I had anything to worry about when it came to school. But, the one thing I did worry about, was the way Jeremy looked at me. It was though he felt sorry for me in some way but I doubted it was because of what happened to me.

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