Chapter 29

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A/N: Hey guys -sorry for the wait! I know it was meant to be out yesterday but I turned out to be busier than I thought I would be! This isn't the best chapter but the action is around the corner!


'I meant no harm, o-okay?' I stuttered. As I raised myself from the floor, I held my hands out in surrender. Though the stranger didn't look evil, I had come to learn, what with my experiences, that looks could very much be deceiving when concerning a supernatural creature.

'So then, what are you doing here?' asked the stranger; their face full of boredom and slight curiosity. Obviously they weren't used to having many unexpected visitors which hopefully boded well for me. If I survived.

I tried to think of a reasonable answer. If the stranger wasn't used to visitors, that meant that it was very unlikely for someone to just happen across the house. I couldn't very well say that I lived there as I didn't know when they had died so I had to go with honesty. 'I was being chased. The only safe place I knew that wasn't in town was here. I didn't think anyone would be here.'

The stranger looked me up and down for a moment before shrugging their shoulders. 'Good enough for me.' With that, they turned around and walked back to Damon's liquor cabinet.

'Wait...That's it?' I asked, still leaning against the wall.

'You don't seem like the type of kid who could lie easily and you don't look dangerous, no offence, so yeah. That's it.' I continued to frown at the stranger which caused her to laugh. 'Well? Are you going to come and get a drink or are you going to stay there in fear like you're waiting for me to rip open your throat?'

Swallowing, I stepped away from my place and walked deeper into the house. Once I was sat down on the sofa, the stranger held out a glass of amber liquid for me. Taking it with caution, she placed herself on the opposite sofa.

'So.' She started, already taking a lengthy sip of her drink. 'British?' I nodded slowly. 'What are you doing in Mystic Falls spirit world then?'

'That's sort of a complicated story.'

'Well, we've got a whole cabinet full of alcohol so I think we've got time.' The stranger gave me a reassuring smile which, somehow, seemed to make me feel relaxed, almost as though I could trust her. Despite remembering the lesson about how looks can be deceiving, I didn't get that vibe from her. She seemed genuinely nice. 'But let's start with something easy. What's your name?'


'I'm Lexi.'

'Are you a vampire?' I asked before I could stop myself.

Lexi laughed. 'Yep. I know I don't give off that impression but that's because I like you. What about yourself?'

I opened and shut my mouth making Lexi looked at me with furrowed brows. I didn't know whether or not our friendly acquaintance relationship would change if I told her who I was and, considering I didn't have my powers, if Lexi did suddenly come after me, I wouldn't be able to protect myself.

'I didn't expect that to be a stomper,' Lexi said, taking another sip of her drink.

Sighing, I spoke. 'I'm an Elemental.'

Lexi's eyes widened with interest. 'Wow. Really? I've heard a lot about you but I've never met one before. Unless you count the bitch Morgana but she was more of a slut than a 'all-powerful' supernatural being.'

'She was Kol and Elijah's love,' I muttered.

'You know the Originals?'

I laughed quietly. 'That's actually why I'm here. I came to get Kol. He was recently killed by someone from the Scorpio Clan.'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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